Chicken liies to ride the tractor......


Emu Hugger
14 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
I have a little mixed Black Cochin hen...she's always been a bit curious but now she seems to have a fascination with the tractor. One day Hubby.was doing some week and stopped the tractor. She came running and I had to keep shooing her away. When Hubby drove off...there she was....bopping up and down on the top of the box blade. When he stopped.again I tried to grab her but she dashed under the tractor to the other side and then jumped in hubbys lap. I had to hold her until he got far enough away. When I'm on it I have to watch were she is so I don't back over her. I'm going have to pen up the silly girl when ever the tractors in use.


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