Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

Ive given them gogurt before but now I give them Dannon mixed berry or others like it. I stay away from the dessert ones or coffee. I have one Sexlink and shes friendly letting me pet her, shes a always comes to me when I go outside since shes so spoiled. Shell come into the kitchen doorway that goes to the outside hoping for treats.
OK thank you :) I feel those would be good for them I have 2 sex links also they are also very friendly & love to jump to try & get their treats it's adorable, & that's so cute that she just walks in hoping to get treats how old are they? What other kinds Do you have??
Think of the eggs as a gift from your hens to you. You give them lots of good stuff and good care/love, they give you precious tidbit for you to enjoy. As far as things for them to enjoy, there are treats you can make, you can invest in some things that are about parrot size, hang some food items, maybe even come up with a chicken-safe pinata that they can peck at with treats inside. The pinata would have to be something that they are willing to go after, so maybe have little treats on the outside to encourage them to peck at it, and a bonus of treats inside for when they do get it open. You can also make ladders out of scrap wood or pallets, or look around at garage sales for items that are big enough for them to climb on, but make sure that they are not able to be dismantled by persistent pecking.
Think of the eggs as a gift from your hens to you. You give them lots of good stuff and good care/love, they give you precious tidbit for you to enjoy. As far as things for them to enjoy, there are treats you can make, you can invest in some things that are about parrot size, hang some food items, maybe even come up with a chicken-safe pinata that they can peck at with treats inside. The pinata would have to be something that they are willing to go after, so maybe have little treats on the outside to encourage them to peck at it, and a bonus of treats inside for when they do get it open. You can also make ladders out of scrap wood or pallets, or look around at garage sales for items that are big enough for them to climb on, but make sure that they are not able to be dismantled by persistent pecking.
Yeah I will try to see it like that thank you :) & I've seen some parrot mirrors that I thought of putting for them but I'm not sure if it's a good idea? The pinata idea sounds really good but I have to think of something I can do like a layout first to make sure it's chicken safe :) thanks for that idea tho if I figure it out I'll be sure to post it on here later on. I'm also going to try & get lawn furniture so I can look for it at garage sales
Any ideas of chicken toys ? I know some might say chickens don't need toys but I want to give them toys I like to spoil my two rsl girls :love so do any of you have any idea of chicken toys to buy? Or homemade? & any ideas of fun treats I give them treats but I'd like to give them some fun treats or kinda like toy treats where they have to play to get the treats also ? & this is off topic but does anyone else feel guilty about eating their chickens eggs my chickens or one of both barely started laying but I'm not planning on eating them since I see them & my dogs as my children it feels weird to me like I'm doing something bad :rolleyes: so just curious if I'm the only one who feels guilty I haven't eaten any I think ima just give them away View attachment 1253621 my girls Dylan & Kurt now & them when they were younger
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i hang a cabbage head about 8 inches off the coop floor, my girls love to peck at it while it swings around, it keeps them from being bored..also ive seen some people put in a mirror, im guessing not a glass one, and a xylophone toy for them to peck at to make sound. i go in the coop often and talk to them, they seem to love that too . i have 15 beautiful and friendly chickens. i have raised them from babies. they are wonderful to have around. i also have put up suet boxes with veggies in them and plastic bottles with holed drilled in for on the floor. i put corn and seeds in them, the girls roll them around until seeds come out and eat them up..they love that game...good luck and have fun!!
i hang a cabbage head about 8 inches off the coop floor, my girls love to peck at it while it swings around, it keeps them from being bored..also ive seen some people put in a mirror, im guessing not a glass one, and a xylophone toy for them to peck at to make sound. i go in the coop often and talk to them, they seem to love that too . i have 15 beautiful and friendly chickens. i have raised them from babies. they are wonderful to have around. i also have put up suet boxes with veggies in them and plastic bottles with holed drilled in for on the floor. i put corn and seeds in them, the girls roll them around until seeds come out and eat them up..they love that game...good luck and have fun!!
and just google bordem busters for chickens and they have some great ideas too!
i hang a cabbage head about 8 inches off the coop floor, my girls love to peck at it while it swings around, it keeps them from being bored..also ive seen some people put in a mirror, im guessing not a glass one, and a xylophone toy for them to peck at to make sound. i go in the coop often and talk to them, they seem to love that too . i have 15 beautiful and friendly chickens. i have raised them from babies. they are wonderful to have around. i also have put up suet boxes with veggies in them and plastic bottles with holed drilled in for on the floor. i put corn and seeds in them, the girls roll them around until seeds come out and eat them up..they love that game...good luck and have fun!!
and just google bordem busters for chickens and they have some great ideas too!
Yeah I will try to see it like that thank you :) & I've seen some parrot mirrors that I thought of putting for them but I'm not sure if it's a good idea? The pinata idea sounds really good but I have to think of something I can do like a layout first to make sure it's chicken safe :) thanks for that idea tho if I figure it out I'll be sure to post it on here later on. I'm also going to try & get lawn furniture so I can look for it at garage sales
an old wooden chair works well too, they love to fly up and sit on it!
I've been experimenting with what my chickens like (I just got my first 3 from a friend a few weeks ago) and so far giving them a bag of leaves to scratch through and crunch down has been a favorite :D They kind of mulch them up and when I clean the run they go into the mulch pile with the rest of the chicken poo and such. They also seem to really like when I do things like toss them an apple core, and I really want to try that thing where you hang a head of cabbage or lettuce in their coop for them to play with and eat.
i go into town in the fall and take bags of leave people have raked up..they love it and my girls love to scratch around in them...its great mulch too. Also there are lots of ticks and bugs in there that chickens really love!! lol
I've been experimenting with what my chickens like (I just got my first 3 from a friend a few weeks ago) and so far giving them a bag of leaves to scratch through and crunch down has been a favorite :D They kind of mulch them up and when I clean the run they go into the mulch pile with the rest of the chicken poo and such. They also seem to really like when I do things like toss them an apple core, and I really want to try that thing where you hang a head of cabbage or lettuce in their coop for them to play with and eat.
my girls love the cabbage hung keeps them busy for hours
I've been experimenting with what my chickens like (I just got my first 3 from a friend a few weeks ago) and so far giving them a bag of leaves to scratch through and crunch down has been a favorite :D They kind of mulch them up and when I clean the run they go into the mulch pile with the rest of the chicken poo and such. They also seem to really like when I do things like toss them an apple core, and I really want to try that thing where you hang a head of cabbage or lettuce in their coop for them to play with and eat.
careful not to give them the apple seeds

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