Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

We have various size logs, thick branches, an old ladder from a swing set, a few tires, stuff like that. They love to climb and roost. Once in a while we hang a head of cabbage in their run and they love it. They peck at it all day and keeps them busy. Today I am trying something new. Small plastic bottles with a real holes drilled in it filled with their food. This is supposed to keep them from getting bored especially if the weather is bad and they are confined. Chickens tend to prefer working for their food then just having it handed to them.
We have various size logs, thick branches, an old ladder from a swing set, a few tires, stuff like that. They love to climb and roost. Once in a while we hang a head of cabbage in their run and they love it. They peck at it all day and keeps them busy. Today I am trying something new. Small plastic bottles with a real holes drilled in it filled with their food. This is supposed to keep them from getting bored especially if the weather is bad and they are confined. Chickens tend to prefer working for their food then just having it handed to them.
great ideas.ive done most of these and they love it.....
I buy actual "chicken toys" for my girls :) See the "Lixit Chicken Toy" They love it! I also buy a Purina Flock Block for them to enjoy on days when they have to stay cooped up :)

And don't feel guilty for eating their eggs, if your chickens got the chance to eat their very own eggs, they would :lol:
i hang a cabbage head about 8 inches off the coop floor, my girls love to peck at it while it swings around, it keeps them from being bored..also ive seen some people put in a mirror, im guessing not a glass one, and a xylophone toy for them to peck at to make sound. i go in the coop often and talk to them, they seem to love that too . i have 15 beautiful and friendly chickens. i have raised them from babies. they are wonderful to have around. i also have put up suet boxes with veggies in them and plastic bottles with holed drilled in for on the floor. i put corn and seeds in them, the girls roll them around until seeds come out and eat them up..they love that game...good luck and have fun!!
Yes ima try that :) thank you I also didn't think about a xylophone but that's adorable! I'm definitely putting that with them &the mirror, 15 girls wow lucky I have 2 but I'd love more :) also do you use dry corn or wet corn in the bottle thank very much for the bored busters I hadn't heard of that but it helps as well :)
I buy actual "chicken toys" for my girls :) See the "Lixit Chicken Toy" They love it! I also buy a Purina Flock Block for them to enjoy on days when they have to stay cooped up :)

And don't feel guilty for eating their eggs, if your chickens got the chance to eat their very own eggs, they would :lol:
Can i buy that toy on amazon or a feed store ? Also the flock blocks those sound like they love them :) haha yeah that's true I have read that if they accidentally break them they'll eat them up & break them their selfs :lol:
Can i buy that toy on amazon or a feed store ? Also the flock blocks those sound like they love them :) haha yeah that's true I have read that if they accidentally break them they'll eat them up & break them their selfs :lol:

Both :) Our feed stores sell them; they're just a few bucks :) My chickens love the blocks! My chickens absolutely love eggs, raw and cooked :lol:
We have various size logs, thick branches, an old ladder from a swing set, a few tires, stuff like that. They love to climb and roost. Once in a while we hang a head of cabbage in their run and they love it. They peck at it all day and keeps them busy. Today I am trying something new. Small plastic bottles with a real holes drilled in it filled with their food. This is supposed to keep them from getting bored especially if the weather is bad and they are confined. Chickens tend to prefer working for their food then just having it handed to them.
Yes ima try the cabbage & im also going to try the water bottle thing today as well :) & yes I have read those think work for them when bored I have also noticed mine like working for it occasionally rarely like it handed only if it's like treats lol

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