Chicken was injured by a racoon


11 Years
May 15, 2011
Birmingham, Alabama
A racoon crashed through our screened window pane on our coop and entered two nights ago. We immediately heard the screaming, and found two of our chickens out of the coop in the run, trying to escape the racoon. The racoon saw us, and tried to escape, but could not. My husband shot it. One of the chickens was scratched or bitten a few times, the other fine, both just nervous. Injuries seem minor, and the one who was scratched a few times is eating, grazing in the yard and seems to be ok. She just will not go into the coop anymore in the evening, she will go into a tree instead. She also has one eye that looks black, the other is red, as all the other chickens. They are tetra tints. What would be the reason for the discoloration in her eye? Is that a sign of sickness, or could it be a bruise from the fight? I am keeping her separate from the other hens, they seem to be pecking at her injuries. I am leaving them in the run, and letting her graze on grass and hang around the coop. She seems fine, I am just curious about the eye. Do chickens get rabies? Should we refrain from eating her eggs for a while?
Thank you for any information we can get.
Any animal who is not a mammal cannot carry rabies, so she should be fine. I'm not sure about the eye, but if she's eating and drinking fine, i wouldn't worry too much about it. I had a rooster one time who had both wattles ripped completely off by a raccoon, and he healed up nicely. I would think the eggs would be fine for consumption, but i'm no expert lol
Thank you, that's what I think, but I am really new to all of this. I am so glad that we have BYC to come to for advice and sound information. We have 14 chickens, to be new comers, that is a big flock. They are so easy to care for, and so sweet. It is sickening when the racoons attack that quiet peaceful coop. Ours is very secure, but who knew that it would rip apart a screened window? It is aweful!

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