Chickens being sick


11 Years
Nov 23, 2008
In the middle of it all
I noticed that my chickens sometimes will cough up this clear, gooey substance. It looks like water, but it's a bit thick and shiny to be that. I've seen it a couple times. What do you think is wrong?
What are your chickens doing when the cough up this stuff?
Picking up a chicken after it has been drinking often results in water coming back out of the crop.
Do your chickens have any symptoms of respiratory disease such as watery or swollen eyes, nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, lethargy, ruffled feathers?

Try looking through this poultry health website and see if you can find similar symptoms.

For a while, my chickens were coughing and sneezing, but I suspected this was just a cold that they would get over. It was around this time that they were coughing up the clear stuff, but it's gone away now. They're acting fine.

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