Child taken off plane because mother slapped her...

I time out and take things away... Once my kids refused to clean up thier video game so I throw it out the front door:) it broke so now they take care to put away game systems( they didn't get a new one either!).
Do you realize how early a child figures out that incessant screaming allows it to get its desires met?

Here's a solution. They need a special compartment, on airplanes, for parents with screaming brats. Nothing more annoying, than having to sit for four or five hours, next to some two year old, who knows how to punch its parent's buttons, and the parent not really being able to do anything, simply because of the situation.

...and your point would be what? Are you saying that you think a slap across the face is an appropriate punishment for a 13-month old? Yes, screaming kids on planes are quite annoying. That has little to do with how effective a slap in the face is. I am not sure why you quoted my post. One thing has nothing to do with the other. I still find it doubtful that I would ever find slapping a little baby across the face to be appropriate.
Well done Flight Attendant McCurley! I hope that she got thanks from her employer for taking that action. I also hope that the family is being investigated by the appropriate authorities.

The picture I have in my mind from the story is a mother who has no idea how to deal with a young child and a father who abdicates his own parental responsibility to his wife even though he doesn't approve of her methods. Violence towards a child can do immense damage to his or her self esteem that can last a life time. If you can't think of a better way than violence to get your child's attention then don't have one! Note how a smack in the face is played down with the word 'pop' and the mother gives away the fact that popping' is a regular occurrence. Note too how she tries to lie about what she does. She knows it's wrong..

No-one said that parenting was easy. Parents who can't be bothered or don't have the skills to do a decent job should not be left to damage young lives. I have worked in the past with many adults who were subjected to abuse of one sort or another in childhood and have seen their immense suffering. I will never accept that violence towards a child is appropriate.
CHILD ABUSES WITH A CAPITAL C! My heart and prayers go out to the innocent child who in no way understands what happened and why. I hope that the mother is investigated by CPS, just imagine, if she can inflict this kind of "discipline" on a child in public, what is the home life like? Bruising from the dog? Get animal control involved too. My prayers are go out to both the mother and child, that the child will be safe through the growing years and that the mother will take up some parenting and anger management classes to learn how to effectively discipline a child! WOW!!
You are right spanking only has a short term effect on the proublem,but causes long term effects on the child.All the studies have shown this.
I believe if corporal punishment is ok on children they should have it for adults also,since adults are grown up and knowledgeable about all the rules and have the mental and emotional capasity to follow all the rules if not they should be caned.

Whats that saying "Don't dish it out if you can't take it".....

The Equal Protection Clause, part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides that "no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws".
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It really bugs me to hear what some parents say to their little ones sometimes! I was once shopping in a store one time and came across a mother who was talking to another adult nearby, and had a young boy (probably 2) sitting in the cart. So on my way by I smiled at the boy. Well, the boy got scared of me or something LOL, and started to cry. The mother, who didn't see me, whipped around grabbed the boys shoulder and yelled "What the H*** IS the MATTER with you!?" I couldn't believe it! The poor kid! I did not say anything, but I felt bad. I also dislike it when a parent says to a little one "What's the matter with you?" Or "Whats wrong with you?" In an annoyed voice. The kids will wonder if there really is something "Wrong with them". I think the proper way is to say "What is the problem?" Or "Whats the matter?" Calmly (Though that is hard sometimes....)

I do hope the mother AND father are looked into, because if the father did nothing, or yelled at the mother, what kind of home is that little one growing up in? Yikes. Little ones cry. Hitting them will NOT keep them from crying! That mother does need some help....
^I got a lot of "Why don't you pull your head out of your..."
"If you hadn't been born I'd be a ___ by now" etc when I was a kid.

That and "Your ... is grass and I'm the lawnmower"

Any wonder I've got issues?

You hear all these cases... that do need intervention... or at least a passing mention of a book/class... but then you see someone like my SIL... she's like UberMom... took a while for her to have her eldest so she's super protective? When he was right at 1, just learned to walk, he slipped on the tile floor (footie jammies) and broke his leg. They of course immediately rushed him to the ER... still in the jammies... and those people called in CPS because the ONLY way a child could POSSIBLY get a fracture like that was if the mom twisted the poor child's leg while changing him! It was NOT a pleasant experience for them at all. These people wouldn't even swat him on the diaper for pete's sake. But the kid that shows up repeatedly with broken bones, bruises, etc from 'falling down the stairs' that one they ignore...

Do you realize how early a child figures out that incessant screaming allows it to get its desires met?

Here's a solution. They need a special compartment, on airplanes, for parents with screaming brats. Nothing more annoying, than having to sit for four or five hours, next to some two year old, who knows how to punch its parent's buttons, and the parent not really being able to do anything, simply because of the situation.

You're right. I've had that happen to me a couple of times. I would have gladly thrown the kid off the plane both times, but I didn't know how to open the door.

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