Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Thanks Rare... he is adorable.. and he knows it, lil devil

DEBI! Come back!!!
Right here. Crisis over. Her hubby fell again and she screwed up her knee helping him. Cancer SUCKS!!!!

And guess what? I took dinner to her son and his wife because they just had a baby, and their 2 year old Jane, who NEVER eats ANYTHING, finished her dinner that night.

AND>>>> I have 11 eggs left in the bator.
Awww, well, big hugs and prayers to her. Bless her heart!!! Yup, cancer sucks. Lost an Uncle to it several years back, never got to say goodbye
My former horse trainer from back home lost her DH, (they were both near and dear friends of mine, life mentors, fwiw) to pancreatic cancer a couple years after I moved outta CA. I found out after lots of googling one night. Cancer seriously sucks!

And yay for lil Jane eatin it all up!! Sounds like it musta been some good grub!!!

I'm wringin my hands over this one pipped chick... I hate to help, only about 12-16ish hrs in, but I'm almost afeered to go to sleep! I've been good tho! Just staring at the bator, makin sure its still alive.

Are ya hatching TJ chicks this time? (I forgot
Aussi, Aussie, Aussie.......Oi, Oi, Oi !!!!!!!!

Thank you!

the shipped eggs are cochins ( lemon cuckoo / buff ) which are the rare ones. my own eggs are black & splash orpys wit a SLW roo.

Nice! All very pretty birds. Be interesting to see how the Orp x SLW chicks feather out. Laced fluffies? I hope so

here is my post with the babies from the orpy x slw mix they are starting to get lacing, post #29 pics from today.
yea its hard to get pics of them coz they wont stand still long enough. i was surprised to see the wee black one getting lacing aswell.
Here's my Molting Chicken Picture.


My Blue Sumatra hen, Lauretta. She didn't like it when she saw me taking the pic.
I had a little accident tonight. I took the eggs out to briefly clean the bator since it had chick fluff in it from this weeks hatch, and I used the vacuum to get the fluff heard the vacuum, flipped out jumped up barking somehow the eggs crashed to the floor. *sigh* I still have 2 arcaunas.....and a jack Russel in long term time-out! It's ok, really I have lots more and have been getting 100% hatch rate with my eggs. Just wanted to let you know that my numbers have changed. It really really is ok....I put 3 eggs in this week that I'm testing for fertility, if they develop I'll put a few more of her eggs in. If not, I'll turn off the bator till the end of Feb after these arcaunas hatch. Might even move them to the little brinsea instead. I'm sure its cheaper on electric. lol

How is everyone else doing? Only about a week left!

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