So you think I should clean her butt too tonight if there is still yolk substance there?

I'm just really confused with the whole situation. I saw her in the egg box earlier today so wouldn't that mean she would have laid an egg?
I would clean her up and check to make sure the membrane has been expelled. Also see if there is a discharge of egg yolk/matter coming out of the vent.
She may have been in the nesting box, I've had hens that had shell-less eggs in the box, but they did not lay the egg, the membrane was very hard for them to pass.
Update: she would not eat any of it, she only drank some water. I will try again in the morning. I happened to find this below the roost bar though (part of an egg):
She does not want any of the cooked egg I made her with tums and crushed egg shell in it. I put some on some bread and she barely took any of it. Would you recommend me going ahead and buying her some more oyster shell this morning.
She does not want any of the cooked egg I made her with tums and crushed egg shell in it. I put some on some bread and she barely took any of it. Would you recommend me going ahead and buying her some more oyster shell this morning.
You can give her the crushed oyster she'll sifted in some of her food wet down (mash) they also sell something at TSC for layers (supplement) good luck!!!
You can give the crushed egg shell with a little egg. Or you can give her Tums. Or give a human calcium tablet. Just pick 1 of those to get calcium into her. Egg shell is pure calcium, and the cooked egg yolk has vitamin D. Do not mix the Tums into egg because the Tums has a strong flavor. Give the Tums broken in two orally. Or give a human calcium tablet. Sorry for all of the confusion.

Glad that she passed the egg membrane and bits of shell.
Update. It's been over a week I believe and there has been no more discharge. The egg managed to come out and since then she has been acting normal running around again. I have provided more oyster shell and I believe she may be laying again. Thank you all so much for all the helpful information. GOD bless. CHRIST loves you. :)

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