Cochin breeding, genetics, and showing

Hello all,

I am a new subscriber, and I have LF Cochins. My husband bought me an incubator last July, and I hatched out my first babies at the beginning of August. Being naive, I only had three live chicks, and probably did more harm than good in the process. All three are healthy; one hen and two roos in the "Lemon Blue" genetic scheme. This year I purchased more eggs from the same source, and ended up with ALL ROOSTERS as far as I can tell. So, I purchased some chicks from very knowledgeable sisters in my state (yes, fears of Avian Flu are at work) and now have another hen about the same age as mine, plus a 3 month old pullet, and 4 month old pullets. I am in NY state, so there are no state/county fairs this year due to the Avian Flu. I'm sure a lot of this was discussed back when this forum was started, but I would like to know what exactly is done to prepare chickens for shows? Washing? If there are broken feathers do you pull them in hopes that another feather will grow in it's place? I saw on another list something about "oiling" legs/combs? What about spurs? And, since this color is not a recognized APA/ABA color for Cochins, is it still acceptable to enter them into a show for exhibition? Please let me know if anyone would like to see photos of my LF Cochins. Many thanks for any/all answers! I started a new thread for this; sorry to clutter up the list...
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Just thought I'd share a pic of my little "mottled partridge ?" pullet. She hatched out with my calicos this Spring. I love her pattern. Not sure what to call it really since it's just a project variation. Any comments welcomed.
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