Cochin Thread!!!

I was out with my silver laced cochin bantams and I noticed that my rooster has many faults. His eye color is off, his comb is starting to bend, he has willow legs, and he has vulture hocks.

The 2 hens don't have vulture hocks, have yellow legs, good eye color, and their combs look good so far. All 3 are about the same as far as type goes.

If I breed them next spring, will I be able to breed out of the vulture hocks, willow legs and bent combs since the hens are good? or should I be looking for a new rooster?
I was out with my silver laced cochin bantams and I noticed that my rooster has many faults. His eye color is off, his comb is starting to bend, he has willow legs, and he has vulture hocks.

The 2 hens don't have vulture hocks, have yellow legs, good eye color, and their combs look good so far. All 3 are about the same as far as type goes.

If I breed them next spring, will I be able to breed out of the vulture hocks, willow legs and bent combs since the hens are good? or should I be looking for a new rooster?
personally, with that many flaws, id' look for another roo. that being said, maye wouldn't hurt to do a test breeding anyways, just to see what you get.

just my 2c. LOL

i sold a wonderful pair of silver laced last year, and have been kicking myself since. the guy that bought them had some silver laced pairs for sale yesterday, supposedly from that pair, but i really wonder if they are... overall type isn't horrible, tho the roo's cushion is a bit narrow. and the hen is missing more back/tail feathers than she has left i think, so the 1 or 2 tail feathers there look way too stiff... hopefully she'll feather her cusion out quckly so i can see how it looks. i've also got a baby silver laced roo growing out who has better type than the one i got yesterday, so he may have a job sooner than later. 8)
Went to the feed store to get a warter for my grow out coop I had been working on this weekend and came back with this little guy. I'm sure it is pet quality, but our first Cochin. I have 3 Frizzle Milli Fluer Cochin Bantam on order from a breeder in GA. But the DD wanted one of these pretty little Silkies... She just saw the feathers on the feet and liked the color which we don't have in a Silkie. I din't pay any attention to the signs and wouldn't accept the first chick the girl caught because it didn't have puffy cheeks. Then I proclaimed this chick... non of these chicks have black skin or five toes. Girl didn't know any better... I then read the sign posted and duuuh... LG Cochin. They are on my I want someday list so I brought this little guy home. (Its not alone in the brooder.)

Can any one give us a hint as to what color it will grow up to be?
I am in envy
of you who have chicks on the ground already. All I have is more snow on the ground this morning
. I am finally getting some fertile eggs with another 7 dozen to set about Wednesday. Hoping for a good hatch for all of you and to see some of you at a show this year.

I am in envy
of you who have chicks on the ground already. All I have is more snow on the ground this morning
. I am finally getting some fertile eggs with another 7 dozen to set about Wednesday. Hoping for a good hatch for all of you and to see some of you at a show this year.


my first cochins will hatch next week! i set 10 eggs, 9 were fertile! (mille fleur cochins). some of the eggs were from my pullets even! so i'll have new babies to watch grow up and see how they develop.

once my new pens are done, i'll be relocating them to a larger pen and adding another roo and 1 or 2 pullets. i'm actually liking 'keepiru' better than his daddy 'calico'.

not sure if i posted his pic on here...

that was taken in jan or feb, and his cushion/tail is even better now than it was then. and definitely better than his daddy.

i have to say i got lucky with the girls i paired him with. they are producing better chicks than any of them are individually. (type wise).

here's his daddy Calico. from Roslyn Pickens btw.
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I am in envy
of you who have chicks on the ground already. All I have is more snow on the ground this morning
. I am finally getting some fertile eggs with another 7 dozen to set about Wednesday. Hoping for a good hatch for all of you and to see some of you at a show this year.

Lucky you! My Whites havent even started to lay yet. I got 3 eggs and they stopped. My Reds are laying like crazy now though, found a hidden nest with 5 eggs, and Ive been getting 1-2 a day now for the last week. I was really hoping to have chicks by now, but I guess it will be a little later this year. Works out I suppose, I have 2 shows next month and would like my birds in good shape for them.

Craig, hope very much to see you at a show or two this year. If not before, then for sure in December.

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