
Oct 17, 2016
The Netherlands
I am worried about my (Olive Egger) hen, of around 25 weeks old. She has not yet started laying but I think she may have a collapsed vent. Today, I noticed that she was trying to poop, but nothing came out. Then I saw something pinky (almost like an intestine) come out and then pop back in a minute later. I decided to give her a warm bath, rinse her vent with antiseptic and apply vaseline on her vent. Even after this, she hasn't been able to poop, although she has tried multiple times.

Her vent now looks like this:


Here is also a video of her vent:

Please help me diagnose the problem and treat it!

Thanks in advance :)
She has actually acted completely normal other than not being able to poop. She has been just as active as any other day. She only walks like a penguin when she is trying to poop. I'm very worried.
It does sound as though she may be egg bound, since she is straining and cannot poop. Can you insert a finger into her vent about an inch or two to feel for an egg? Give her some calcium—either half a human calcium tablet, a calcium antacid tablet, or crush a hard egg shell fine and feed it to her in some cooked egg yolk. Calcium can help her muscles contract to pass the egg. If she is stable and not weak, sit her in a pan of warm water and massage her lower belly to relax her for about 20-30 minutes. If she does not poop or pass the egg, place her on a moist towel with low heat underneath, such as a heating pad. Let her relax to lay the egg.
If she can poop, then she probably is not egg bound, so no bath should be necessary. Can you still feel inside for a stuck egg? How is she acting? What type of chicken feed do you give? Does she have crushed oyster shell available for extra calcium?
She is acting pretty normal, except for some weird noises that she is occasionally making. I am waiting for my mom to come home to feel if there is in an egg stuck as I can't seem to hold her still and insert a finger in her vent at the same time (she should be back within 15 minutes). I give a mix of layer pellets and grains them, grit and crushed eggshells, fresh vegetables, and scraps. She does have access to grit at the moment.

She is making sounds similar to this video, except that she is 'snoring' while awake and not while she is asleep.

I have separated her from the other two hens.

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