I have another question... sorry if it’s stupid... when can they breed? Or rather, when can I safely set the eggs without risk of problems? I probably won’t set any for a while anyway but I’m just curious. I know it probably depends on the rooster but ballpark?

They can breed whenever they think they can.

If you're wondering whether the eggs will be fertile, you can crack eggs open and look to see if they're fertile, or you can put eggs in the incubator and candle them a week or so later to see if they're fertile.

As long as the eggs are fertile, there's nothing to worry about on the rooster's side.

(If the eggs are unusually small, from pullets that just started laying, then you'll get smaller-than-usual chicks when they hatch. I do not know if such chicks will grow up to be normal size adults or not--I've seen conflicting opinions on that.)

As for what age rooster, I've seen accounts of roosters 6-10 WEEKS old siring chicks (rare), and other accounts of roosters that were over 6 MONTHS old and their owners were getting impatient (also rare). For a very rough guideline, figure a rooster is mature and fertile sometime before pullets of his own breed/age will lay eggs.
They can breed whenever they think they can.

If you're wondering whether the eggs will be fertile, you can crack eggs open and look to see if they're fertile, or you can put eggs in the incubator and candle them a week or so later to see if they're fertile.

As long as the eggs are fertile, there's nothing to worry about on the rooster's side.

(If the eggs are unusually small, from pullets that just started laying, then you'll get smaller-than-usual chicks when they hatch. I do not know if such chicks will grow up to be normal size adults or not--I've seen conflicting opinions on that.)

As for what age rooster, I've seen accounts of roosters 6-10 WEEKS old siring chicks (rare), and other accounts of roosters that were over 6 MONTHS old and their owners were getting impatient (also rare). For a very rough guideline, figure a rooster is mature and fertile sometime before pullets of his own breed/age will lay eggs.

Thanks!! This is very helpful!! So there wouldn’t be problems from too young of a rooster? No like deformed chicks or too small ones or anything? The problem is mostly from too small eggs or young pullets? That’s good to know.

I would probably wait till they’re maybe a year old or at least maybe this summer?? They should be okay in the summer, right?

The Easter HAL would be too soon, right!? :D :lau

Wouldn’t actually set that soon but curious.

But I should probably wait till their personalities become more apparent so I don’t accidentally hatch meanies.
I usually wait until they're around a year old. The eggs are bigger and yeah, you know their personalities by then :)

Probably a good plan but I’m so impatient now :lau kidding. Mostly. I think I might let a broody hatch if I get any this year. :D the incubator was so stressful haha

I only have the one girl so I could just wait to set her eggs. Don’t even know when she’ll lay. All the other girls are older so I think the eggs should be safe to set already. Only problem would be if these roosters don’t take a liking to any of them :lau

But yeah, I think I’ll wait for the personalities to develop more first. :)

Or maybe just set from everyone. :lau
Just a reminder--if you set eggs, you're going to have a lot MORE roosters soon! So be prepared for that... :lau
@NatJ has a point... that would mean more boys!! 😧

:lau good point!! Maybe I should just wait haha I’ll probably just sell some off and not purposely hatch for a while but if a chicken wants to go broody.... :lau :oops:

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