Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Okay, on this topic; I'm raising three French Marans pullets from Cackle, vaccinated against Marek's disease, for a person who can only have three hens, and didn't want to raise them himself. So they will be six weeks old, off heat, and definitely pullets, when he gets them. Price? How about $20 each? Too much? Too little?
Calculate cost, bedding, electricity, time, and chick feed. At east $25 each. :D
Humph. My 13-yo occasionally has started getting a little snippy with me, but he is learning that I have no problem grounding him to his room and taking away all that gives him joy ... that is to say, all electronics, until he has an attitude adjustment. I told him I can't make him like me and frankly I don't give a hoot one way or the other, but by golly he will treat me with respect.
Parents aren’t supposed to be friends to their children. Most adults who have issues in life had parents that were friends not a parent. Having discipline and consequences creates model citizens.

I tell my kids they’re stuck with me whether they like it or not.
Parents aren’t supposed to be friends to their children. Most adults who have issues in life had parents that were friends not a parent. Having discipline and consequences creates model citizens.

I tell my kids they’re stuck with me whether they like it or not.

Exactly right. Grandkid, actually. But we're raising him. You don't get to pick and choose, either way. What you get is what you got. Like it or lump it, my Dad used to say. Whatever that meant! :gig
Wasn't kidding...

Exactly right. Grandkid, actually. But we're raising him. You don't get to pick and choose, either way. What you get is what you got. Like it or lump it, my Dad used to say. Whatever that meant! :gig
My parents weren’t tough on me and I wish they were back then. My husband had a military father... he said it was rough

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