Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

There are a couple of things it means.

A.) From a strictly science perspective, medicines that have been used for worms would need to go through clinical trials to confirm that they can be used to fight infections from viruses. Right now, people using medicines like doxycycline, ivermectin, and hydroxycloroquine to treat viral infections like CoVID-19 are doing so based on limited evidence of the medicines directly stopping the virus.

B.) From a risk perspective, the illnesses for which drugs like hydroxycloroquine, ivermectin, and doxyclyine are prescribed can result in organ damage. In situations like this, the risk of injury from the medicine are considered either less likely or less serious than certain infection with these parasites. Any eyesight damage or organ damage that may come from these medicines is considered less risky than the effects of the parasite infection.

C.) Following B, we have vastly better prescription-only medicines for stopping anti-inflammatory responses here state-side.
Unfortunately the studies on existing drugs are just starting at money in them for big pharma.
India has a around a billion more people than the USA and lower death rate, some claims that it because of ivermectin.... but I do wonder if it due to lack of testing
BTW I am vaccinated but think everything should be studied.
Good morning everybody. Glad to see we're all getting along. Not much new to report on covid this morning. The news is mostly pushing christmas right now. But I did read that New York has brought back its indoor mask mandate. Other than that theyre just saying theres a lot more cases but not specifying whether theyre omicron or delta. Hopefully delta dies out soon because it seems like omicron is less deadly.
Really windy here and still yet to hear from my dr. Tornados were all around last night so I hope everyone had a safe evening.
Good morning everybody. Glad to see we're all getting along. Not much new to report on covid this morning. The news is mostly pushing christmas right now. But I did read that New York has brought back its indoor mask mandate. Other than that theyre just saying theres a lot more cases but not specifying whether theyre omicron or delta. Hopefully delta dies out soon because it seems like omicron is less deadly.
Really windy here and still yet to hear from my dr. Tornados were all around last night so I hope everyone had a safe evening.
Tornados hit Amazon last very close to me. All safe at my place. Watched news last night as they worked to rescue people. I noticed everyone wasn't wearing mask.
Horrible pictures concerning the tornado outbreak! Hope everyone is safe, very grim news about it.
Here we are the worst state for cases and deaths, so far apparently from the delta strain, and unvaccinated people, or some late getting their boosters. We will not be celebrating the holidays with our unvaccinated family members, also sad. We thought this year would be different!
Today here it's windy, had lots of rain last night, and gusty winds today. Small stuff compared to the tornado belt though.
I’m pissed that I’ve been indoors for 3 years
Wow, you were isolating and masking for an entire year before Covid even existed? ;)

I don't understand why, after nearly 2 years into this, people still don't understand asymptomatic carriage.
Me either. Anyone ever hear of "Typhoid Mary"???

Prevention of infectious disease has always been considered a superior approach than treatment. "Ounce of prevention, pound of cure," etc.
I agree. Why would I want to chase the horses through acres of fields instead of closing the barn door?

Laypeople can't be clear on that because laypeople have no idea what you just said.:lau
I generally agree .... though I did understand, HS biology.

He said its called "the sunday pill" in some countries because of all the parasites.
If you live where parasitic worms are ever present in everyone's lives it makes sense to take medicine for it. Especially a medicine that was designed for that use. Doesn't make sense in this case. I doubt you could convince him of that though.

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