Thanks for the information, I will note it down for the future. I think the concern with mine and the goose case was that they did that AND the duck/goose weren't in top condition.

It does make sense what you are saying though, just in my case both were backyard breeders, and the lovely lady who I bought my first two from gave me a tour of her backyard set up (she had geese too, and chickens! -Very jealous). So in my head, it looked dodgy to supply an unhealthy bird whilst not being allowed to see where they were kept. -But it was definitely worth explaining, thank you!

No problem, I totally understand where you guys are getting that gut feeling, and a good breeder should be able to show you pictures of the rest of the flock, maybe video, and explain the condition of any birds being sold if they are in less than top condition when they are sold.

These 2 cases did not do any of that.

Just didn't want an actually good breeder that practices bio-security to be automatically lumped in with the neglectful and possibly abusive people that sold the birds in the cases listed simply because you couldn't go see and interact with their birds.
No problem, I totally understand where you guys are getting that gut feeling, and a good breeder should be able to show you pictures of the rest of the flock, maybe video, and explain the condition of any birds being sold if they are in less than top condition when they are sold.

These 2 cases did not do any of that.

Just didn't want an actually good breeder that practices bio-security to be automatically lumped in with the neglectful and possibly abusive people that sold the birds in the cases listed simply because you couldn't go see and interact with their birds.

Fair enough, it does make sense. I did not mean any offense by what I wrote of course... But at the same time it wasn't just because I couldn't simply go and see the birds (I would also not expect to physically interact with the birds either, that does seem too far...). It seems like the two cases had a few similarities with how the seller acted, as well as them both having pictures of (presumably their) happy geese/ducks.
My point is that when you don't get an animal in top-shape, as was advertised, it does make you question how the poor animals lived before.
Yes I agree with that @Kusanar and like I said I didn't really think anything of meeting offsite untilll.... Luckily for me there won't be a next time as far as geese are concerned...I've got the perfect pair already! Chance ended up needing me even more than BB needed him. (And I'm ok with it) :love

Another good report so far this morning! Picked up a couple eye remedies while I was out...Terramycin ointment as well as Curicyn drops. We'll get that started and see if we can't get some bright eyed peepers on our boy!

I'll leave you with BB really the best one to be teaching Chance how to goose? :lau:idunno 20190904_163011.jpg yes...that's her taste testing the bird bath...
Yes, they are absolutely clowns! It is elephant ear, I didn't realize it was poisonous!! I've got it all around my yard, and strangely it's one of the only plants they don't eat. Still probably shouldn't be hanging in their pool though. You can't see her but Fraggles, my runner hen hides from Tom behind the big leaves :lau
Thank you for letting me know it's poisonous though...I'll have to find a better spot for it!
Lol yes! She is a funny little thing! And sweet as can be! She and her drake are absolutely obsessed with each other! It's really sweet to watch them! Tried putting Tom (khaki campbell) in drake jail to give her a break, but she just paced back and forth quacking at him to come on!

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