Chance update!!

So this week I've been trying very hard to hard to back off from being Chance's human gander and see how things go. He's terrified of the chickens...I'm not sure why, I haven't seen my girls bother him at all, but anytime they get close he screams and runs away :confused:My guess is this is something left over from his first home. The "breeder" mentioned he was left in the brooder with baby chicks, so who knows...

Then there's Tom the drake, who doesn't realize how close he is to permanent drake jail. Some days he's mild, other days the smallest annoyance sets him off. I've seen him and Chance get in a couple neck grabbing scuffles, no blood or injuries, but I'm secretly rooting for Chance to put him in his place! To make matters worse, BB is still Team Ducks...she stands back and watches the showdown and then wanders off following Tom when their done. Needless to say, I can't trust Tom to be penned with the geese overnight. So that's the next project here, an additional enclosure for just the ducks. :barnie:he

As for Chance's health, he looks great! A lot of the broken and stained feathers are coming off his chest and I'm seeing beautiful WHITE feathers coming in. He's obviously put on some weight as well because I see a slight hint of a breast line :cool: which wasn't there before! Still nothing with the eyes though, finished up 10 days worth of terramycin and curicyn without any improvement to those inner lids. Must just be some sort of defect:confused:

I will take some updated pics for you guys tomorrow! I think you're going to be really proud! His beak is a beautiful pink, and some of his leg scales are shedding to a nice pink color!

With as big a pain in the butt Tom is right now, Chance renews my love of the birds every day, and reminds me when they're not in season, how sweet they can be! Surprisingly Chance continues to enjoy the company of us humans, so no matter what he's been through, it hasn't broken his sweet spirit!
That's awesome. My drake [Muscovy] is a big pain in the butt and has been since March. I had to separate him from the geese for about 3 months they were relentless in fighting [gander] then when geese breeding was over I opened the gate and now my drake keeps running them up the hill but no fighting now thank goodness. But when I first brought my female goose home Sam my gander was 5 yrs old had been hatched and lived with only Muscovy so he was very attached. I had to separate him from them completely and just have him and Missy in one enclosure so he would bond with her. It still took a while I brought her home in Mid August and it wasn't until Jan that the bond was sealed and that was the start of breeding season. She got him hooked and they have been inseparable ever since He's 12 she's 7 .
Love the update and look forward to pictures.
That's the idea I've sort of been playing around with is leaving BB and Chance penned for an extended stay and see if it helps to bond. While they have free range, which isn't huge, maybe 1/4 acre, it's still enough to go to their separate corners and doesn't make for close bonding. I have noticed more communicating back and forth between the two of them though, so it's a start!

Chance's early morning 2 week photo shoot for his friends at BYC :highfive:
:flI'm hoping they continue to improve, it's much more noticeable when he's sleepy or just woke up, the inner lids do seem irritated then.

But yes, I think he's quite the catch! So handsome! I can't wait for BB to agree! Her thick thighs still put his to shame though...hopefully Chance is into full figures! :lol:
Small victory tonight! This is the first night Chance has known his way to bed! When it's time to pen everyone for the night, I always say "Time for birds to go to bed"....chickens are usually already there, ducks and BB head to bed...and Chance just stands around beep beeping.

Well....tonight I said time for bed, and with a little coaxing, just walking behind him, Chance went to bed!!!! :eek: I'm talking bee line straight for his pen!! Yall just don't know how nice that is!!! Every night it's been 10-15 minutes of trying to steer him into his pen. Sure, I could just carry him, but I was hoping if he walked himself it would help to figure out his surroundings.

Ending today one proud goose mama!! :wee:clap:ya

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