Poor little guy.

Anyone that would keep a living animal inside there whole life shouldn't have any animals.I would report him to animal control,who knows what else he is keeping locked away in cages.

Regular bathing will be good.He will probably have to molt to regain (normal) feathers again so be patient.Massaging his oil gland with a warm wet towel may help since its likely it may be clogged due to lack of access to water.
Some animals do fine being inside all the time. Like fish, reptiles, arachnids, insects, small rodents, exotic birds and even house cats.

Livestock and poultry should not be kept indoors.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head @ColtHandorf. Unfortunately I did not pick him up on site...she met me out at a Target. At first I thought it a bit strange but with all the crazies in the world figured she was just being safe. So I can't attest to the condition of the other birds...I can only imagine. But yes, I do feel taken advantage of because anyone who spends any time around Chance can clearly see he's got some issues. Luckily for him though, I'm a sucker for animals in need.
For biosecurity purposes, I meet buyers off premises.
I absolutely would agree and encourage anyone to do the same @Cyprus . The problem occurs when you aren't sold a bird, or any product for that matter, in top condition, or at least warned beforehand of the circumstances. At $75, which was her "discount" price because he's not breeder quality, I would still expect to be getting a healthy, well adapted bird that may have some coloring that's not up to the standard.
But yes, for biosecurity reasons, as well as personal security, I would absolutely suggest meeting total strangers away from your home and birds.
I intended to read the rest of this thread, but I had technological difficulties.

I will add that when I sell or rehome a bird, the buyer/adopter gets practically spammed with photos of the bird from every angle. I also perform a physical exam on each bird, deworm, treat preventatively for Coccidiosis and spray with permethrin. They are then quarantined from their flock for 2 weeks before the person can receive them. And examined again the day of the handoff. No bird leaves my property unless I can guarantee its health as far as physically possible.
Some animals do fine being inside all the time. Like fish, reptiles, arachnids, insects, small rodents, exotic birds and even house cats.

Livestock and poultry should not be kept indoors.

Anyone that would keep a living animal inside In Such Condition there whole life shouldn't have any animals.I would report him to animal control,who knows what else he is keeping locked away in cages.

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