
More graceful entrances into the pool now! He's still a bit of a loner, but we're working on that. Hoping some alone time with BB will help. It will also make a big difference when Tom the drake calms down and stops chasing everyone around!
I'll be so happy to see him all feathered out with new feathers and fat and sassy. I still want to strangle his breeder occasionally. lol

I keep thinking about a small breeding group of muscovy ducks, but to hear y'all talk about all the drake hormones has me thinking better of it. I used to have a breeding flock of Rouens, but I only had one drake and about seven hens. They were totally fine. The only problem I ever had with them was them going under the dog house to lay their eggs if I forgot to lock them up at night, or the one time a hen molted all of her flights and got in the pool and then couldn't get back out.

Rouen Ducks.jpg
This x2!!

I think the breeding flock is manageable as long as you go into it realizing you will have a sex crazed, psycho drake on your hands, 5 months out of the year! After that, they're still sex crazed just not as bad!

I actually can't complain too bad, because at least with his lady, the drake is very much a gentleman! I've only seen them ever mate in the pool, and he always asks first with bobbing his head and waits for her to bob back. ALMOST makes his behavior to everyone else in my flock acceptable! They've all learned quickly to give Tom and Fraggles their space.
:love He's still doing well...standing up for himself more and more! He likes to chase BB around and nip at her tail...of course she's still not impressed....

My husband and I are going out of town for a week Saturday, and I'm more worried about leaving Chance than I am the kids :oops:


Handsome fella!

@admorris I would absolutely recommend the CPs to anyone! They are absolutely stunning to look at. Very sleek bodies, not bottom heavy like most goose breeds. Very docile and sweet! Wish I had the room for more!
The angle on this video stinks, but I was sitting in a lawn chair trying to video up and over Gucci's back. Chance goes right up to her and beep beep beeps and then nibbles on her. Obviously not hurting her, more like loving on her. Needless to say, Gucci is very patient of Chance's antics...

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