Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Feeding chicken food to quail is equatable to raising a human child on top ramen noodles and nothing else. They'll lay just fine on chicken feed, still doesn't mean it's humane to feed. At the point you decide to raise animals that evolved on the other side of the planet, you have a responsibility to feed them as their biological needs dictate.

Another big downfall to chicken food is that quail roosters do not need much calcium at all, and the calcium levels in chicken feed can cause them organ failure.
Thank you these are my first quail and absolutely find them funny. I have to get them a dust box they are playing in the pine shavings. Hilarious.
They love to bury themselves too. Give them a little hay and watch them hide in it so that just their little heads are sticking out! My ones overwintering outdoors have little holes in the snow leading to their houses - you can barely see their wooden hides under the snow, and the enclosure looks empty, but put food down and they will pour out from little holes everywhere. Except for the one little rooster that claimed a large sized dogloo dog house as his territory - he sits in there smug as can be and keeps everyone else out!
It's a grainy shot, but there are 4 of them hiding in here!

This one is convinced that the little clump of hay that is barely covering it has made it completely invisible!
Soaking them in vinegar a few hrs eats the shell almost gone. Then wash and peel the membrane off like a grape skin..... You will still tear a few where the yolk slid to one side of the white, but your percentage of untorn will go way up.... wash well again after you peel them to tame the vinegar.... for pickling let them sit over night and no shell at all will be left. Just the grape skin. For some reason it does not work with chicken eggs.... Shells too think i guess.
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Oh yes, Im well aware of the peck at a spot routine with my chickens.

I keep my quail in one pen in an aviary where chickens also roam. The chickens are free to come and go from the aviary but the quail are secure in their pen. They can see but not mingle with the chickens. All seem to be thoroughly entertained by this arrangement. So when the ladies start laying (too young yet plus change in environment must have set back any egg laying calendar for them) they will all be laying in the same general; area. I will look for a stand out egg design and hope it is Goldie's.

Aviary with quail pen having white sheet at roof

Close up on quail pen

Quail loves to hide in curly straw

My first female and male pair. She died probably because I only had her and she was over mated and stressed. Now I have four females with the one male. Much better for all.
please excuse me for bringing up a sore subject. it was not my intention. rethinking my coop and breeds for it.
Some subjects will cause arguments, please don't feel you are at fault. My feeling is if we need to disagree it should be privately. Post your OP's and experiences absolutely! I for one, was so insulted by a breed thread a few years back, It made me not want to keep the breed! We are here for one reason. Learn and share.
Bottom line is everyone should speak an opinion, its their right to do so. Everyone is also entitled to their opinions correct or not. What works for one doesn't to another and its pointless to insult those who don't agree or share the same views. And at that note, I am sorry you were made to feel uncomfortable. I research, chat and read, and follow what my families have done for generations. I then do the things that work best for me.
Sorry to ask, but Hosspak would you mind enough to post some pics. of your setup??? maybe others who had problems can post pics to so we can compare??? there may be a detail that other breeders are missing, that causes your birds to thrive while others are dieing??? I think it is safe to assume most breeders here get their birds from reliable sources, and feed them as well as they can. Its a possibility that your setup has that one key detail that others could lack.........

Also if anyone disagrees with this suggestion I ask you to just shake your head, think I'm crazy and find another Thread to post on. Thank you!!!
My set up is nothing special but it is very functional in my small backyard. This is the chicken run/coop it's 12X24 ft. There is a rabbit hutch just at the left side in this picture

This is what the rabbit hutch looks like, I currently have a breeding group of Jumbo quail set up in there.

This is a chicken coop from Costco, we had been keeping our female quail in here for growing out.

We also kept some OE chicks to grow out with the quail.

We added this aviary to house our male quails.

Now we have 12 of these crates that house several different varieties of quail breeding groups and a few growout groups.
So Hosspack, I see the close proximity of the chickens and quail and even the chicks being raised along with the quail. Any problems, health-wise, with your quail in doing so? Very nice aviary set ups for all of your feathered family.
Since I started raising quail last November, we have hatched out over 400 quail. The only dead loss came from the week olds and with that the number is still under 20...

I have had no health issues from the quail or chickens since they have been kept either together or in close proximity. I have no reservations about ever doing more pens in the chicken coop (if I find more room)

I would recommend doing this to those who are thinking about the same kind of set-up, but research first, if only to educate yourself.

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