Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

This is an older thread but I'm glad I found it. I even forgot to put salt in the water. This is the first method I have tried that actually worked. I've baked them, tried vinegar, tried vinegar and baking soda, tried ice bath after boiling, poked a small hole before boiling. Nothing worked I never thought to put them into boiling water because I thought they would crack. Thank you OP, Thank you!!
Ha! I just boiled a couple medium eggs for dinner tonight before finding this post. I like mine with the yoke still a little wet. Sort of between a hard boiled and a soft boiled like you get at a good Asian noodle place. But not runny. If the very center of the yolk looks like it wants to run but does not, then they are perfectly the way I like them. If you want them soft boiled, subtract a couple minutes. If you like them hard boiled, add a couple minutes.

I put them in cold water and add a splash of vinegar, heat to boil. Then let them boil for only one minute. No more than one minute, then turn off the heat, and set the timer for 5 minutes. After the 5 min, I just run cold water in the pot for a minute or two to stop the cooking process. It's taken me years to get it figured out how to do them this way. For the EZ peel, just make sure your eggs are about 7 days old. The older, the easier the peel.
OK, I've been trying various methods to hard boil my eggs,peel them, and still end up with something resembling an egg. Some success, but nothing I'd want to use for say deviled eggs.

So last weekend my husband asks if I want a boiled egg. Sure. He hands me the most perfectly peeled egg oblivious to the miracle he has performed. Casually I ask him how he made the eggs.

Get the water boiling first - rapid boil. Add a dash of salt. Gently lower eggs in with a ladle. 14 minutes later drain and put in cold water so they are cool enough to handle. Peel.

I tried it tonight to see if I could duplicate the perfect egg. The eggs practically roll out of the shell. I have almost intact shells. Sooo easy.

Now, do I tell him how amazing he is?
I'll be trying this one when I get home from work tonight. I can't count the eggs that I've wasted due to the shells peeling off most of the egg whites.


Edit: It worked!!!! Only had one crack when it was placed in the water but even that one came out easily and looking good. Thanks soooooo much for putting this out there.

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I've stopped using water for hard boiled eggs.. I now bake them.. I use a mini muffin pan, but you can place the eggs directly on the rack, preheat oven to 325, bake for 30 minutes, plunge into ice water for 10 minutes.. perfectly peeled eggs every time!! sure does work. Boiling water, a little salt, 14 minutes, ice bath. Out of 4 doz eggs only 4 or 5 five eggs did not peel perfectly. They are done perfectly also. Thanks sooooo much!!!!
Thank you so much, i have been trying everything and nearly reverted to buying eggs just for my deviled eggs... I am going to try today

thanks again


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