Crazy Neighbor

Sign up for one of those $29/month legal services. Make friends with the constable and local court staff & judge(s).

Find out what kinds of behavior would justify ethics charges with the Bar. Ideally, you will have a poison pill for him if he chooses to sue you.

Dot your i's and cross your t's with this clown. You ought to anyway.
I can relate too. We have a neighbor lady that has acreage, but no animals (except one dog). She came and chewed my husband out one day saying that our four dogs are abusing our steers because they bark at them. Our dogs only bark at them when they're not where they're supposed to be, or if they're not together. It's NOT very often. She has no life though. I swear she just sits in front of her window. Grumpy neighbors are no fun. Sorry to hear about your problems. I hope it gets better!
Hi Crickett
I'd love to meet your chicken family. I only have 5 hens and one rooster. They are all buff orpingtons. My problem is I can't tell them apart so I got numbers and I am trying to figure out who is who. I should have considered the variety pack. Your King Nanny? is beautiful.
Perhaps we will meet as we look at Brian's birds. He is such a nice guy and so knowledgable.
Keep warm!!
Next time he complains about the smell, tell him it's nothing compared to the HOGS you're going to get if he doesn't stop complaining! I know that would really not help, but it is funny to think about...a big ol hog pen...10 feet from his house! Well, on second thought, maybe it would make him move...
Believe me we have come up with many such ideas in jest-. I like the idea of creating the Rooster Tabernacle Choir and setting speakers up on the fence.
If I ever moved the chickens as he would lke me to, I'd have to put something in the coop I spent so much money on. I guess hogs would like it.
This week I passed a place selling concrete statuettes and there was a huge concrete rooster. I thought about getting it and putting it at the head of my driveway.
sounds like me, I figure after 436 dozen more eggs and i'll break even on my costs for my 10 chickens.
but i love them
He's still at it?? Good grief! Where you and I live, we are in a huge second home market so you have scads of city folks who want to come up here for their brief periods and change it all to suit them--why, I can never understand, or why are they even here?

To all the aforementioned half-timers (6 months here, but winter in a warmer climate)

No, I don't want paved roads so your Mercedes or monster Escalade doesn't get paint chips! No, I don't want your stupid little city mutt running loose since you are in the country and think we have no rules/ laws! No, I don't think you are entitled to complete silence when you are in the country with no zoning laws, surrounded by cows, roosters, tractors, ATV's, gunfire, etc, etc. If he doesn't like to hear one measly rooster crowing, then perhaps he should just kindly puncture his own eardrums and then he can have silence. Or maybe he should stay in the city where he can smell exhaust fumes, watch the smog roll in, and hear the soothing city sounds of horns honking, tires squealing, boomboxes pounding, garbage trucks making their rounds, etc.

And, no, you half timers, you can't make me bend to your will and get rid of my roosters since I am legally entitled to have them.

Seriously, that really torques me, Catherine. His harassment is really over the top and he's a liar to boot. I can't abide a liar.
Wait for this one...he concedes there isn't really any smell and he never mentions the rooster crowing anymore because the rooster rarely crows. His current problem is that the leaves were moved around in his yard!!!! I can guarantee 100% the chickens were not in his yard moving his leaves. I've been warning the squirrels.
But seriously, he has hardly been up here so he must be in Atlanta obsessing about it. However, he might have something to complain about now because I put bright blue tarps up to keep out the wind around the coop. It no longer melds into the scenery.

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