Crochet "Chat"

Jess!!!! So great to hear from you again!!!!! Hope all is well!! Sounds like some adjustments and allottments but you seem ok so glad about that..hugs to you !!! We're just hookin along here, lots of new folks too. PM me if you aren't gonna be able to make the swap shapes and I'll take you off without any worries. We had thought you might want to do a crochet-a-long when you fully get back or that amigurumi swap you talked about and let Chuck take the fall swap since you are computer limited...we are kinda hoping to coax him into a kilt as our hooker leader this fall, hope you don't mind?! We love you and totally understand life circumstances changing. Please check in when you can, we do miss you
Maw, we missed you! Glad to know you are okay and not eaten up by your chickens! Hopefully the rest of the year will get better for you and everybody else. Of course if the local library has a computer set-up you can always sneak in on there.

I would love a pen-pal. It seems that the art of letter writing is a fading skill today. My mother and I used to correspond a lot when she was alive.
Hi Maw. Nice to hear from ya!
My old computer got sick and we had to put her down for good. She'd had some issues for some time but kept going until yesterday when she actually died for good.
I got a new one and now I am trying to figure out everything. It's Vista.

Maybe I can get my software to work for my camera now.

Just wanted to say Hi to everyone. Weather has been ucky here. We got snow and now it's windy and muddy.
thanks everyone I really missed ya'll and am working still on the puter issues but this will just have to work for now. I love snail mail and the art of writing letters too, chuck. well how many of us are hatching and/or incubating as we speak? ME ME ME ME ME!!!! I had 8 silkie chicks but then we had some bad weather and between that and a giant horse rat in the coop I now only have 2. But I have 20 eggs under two hens and then another 20 in the bator. so we will see!!!!

well I am going to go search for some replacement parts for my bators as I seem to wear them out dduring the hatching season and with my addiction I must maintain the bator! oh yea how many of us planting a garden this year. I am doing that too and this year its a bigggggggg one. and fun story, we bought so asperagus roots and DH and DD went out and planted them and a day or so went by and I finally made my way out to the garden to do some tilling and they had planted the asperagus upside down, there they were roots just a reaching for the sky. LOL!!!!needless to say though they tried. well ta ta for now and maybe I might get more me time tomorrow we will see. love yas Maw.
does anone happen to have geese that i might could buy some eggs from? I am trying to hatch 3 goose eggs from my cuz under the one gander that have and well I am not so sure they will hatch. she says that they will get off there nest for about an hour a day, and she does the covering up of the eggs like shes should but I jsut don't think shes doing it right, so I am going to hatch a few out in the bator just in case. please let me know if ya'll do. thanks Maw.
It's soo good to see ya back

Nice to know you are normal like the rest of us.
Hatching and digging in the dirt
I had my first hatch 11 6 mixed and 5 Cuckoo Marans Have another hatch to do as soon as My Golden Cuckoo Marans eggs arrive then they and Buff orpingtons eggs and some Mille Defleur eggs will all go in the bator

We have had a bit of an emergency rip across our greenhouse today.
DH says the wind has put a hole in it about 20 x 15 or so
, he is on the way to Orscheln's in Kirksville to get a 30 x 50 tarp to cover it till the wind slows down enough we can put more plastic on it. He said I lost a couple of flats of plants But I maybe able to recover them, get them repotted.

I'll just have to survevy damage when I get home

Hi Maw,
I missed ya but now your back and its all good

Karen hope you can recover those flats I was thinking of you today. My broccolli seeds sprouted after only 2 days

My mom is out of the hospital and is feeling better.Thanks to all of you for the kind words and prayers

I have been crocheting since I got home from the gym this morning and got 3 hex's done today so that's 8 so far. I would have gotten more done but I fell asleep for an hour

I went to a swap on Saturday and got a boyfriend for my 2 ducks. He's so handsome and the little girl who raised him was happy he was going to a good home. Her father said they were afraid he would go to someone's cooking pot. She named him Max so his name is handsome Max now. He's a Rouen. I'll post a pic when I find my camera
Been there lately myself and that is no fun, hopefully you don't have all the viruses we had!!! Purr, can't wait to see your duck!! Nice to hear from everyone all at once!!!
My computer wouldn't even turn on. It's had some issues in the past. I would have to fight the keyboard and programs got stuck. It was junk. I told hubby it is so nice to get on the computer and just have it work.
I just heard that it could snow here tonight.
Congrats on the eggs purr! Hope they all do well.

Karan sorry to hear about that. This wind has been horrible.
You're greenhouse is so beautiful. I love coming and seeing what you have done. Looking good.

We'll back to crocheting. I have been making these really cool scarves out of that homespun I bought and hated so much. This pattern works in the chain space so it's soooo much easier.
Just wanted to say hi...
I've been hanging out in the thread about baby chicks, trying to learn everything about them. I'm loving these chicks. We had to move them into something bigger tonight, they didnt have much room in the other container and they will only be a week old tomorrow. But with 32 guess that happens
They are really loving their new space... running all around, trying to fly. Its cute.

Been trying to crochet when I'm not sitting by the chicks

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