Crochet "Chat"

Thanks for the well wishes..most destructive racing we've seen in years..people were absolutely crazy, bet in all the classes more than 40 cars out of about 150 went home in a shoebox. We also got home at 3:30AM..disorganized and rough and the track falling apart in holes..all that said, Travis was on a rocket, finished second in the hea race and started 4th in the main event, field full of cars, taking the lead on the 3rd lap, got it on video, and some no driving son of a biscuit tboned him and tore the entire front end and nose covering off the car..cna't drive the car without it, no downforce and then you cant control the car so the actual "car" is not torn up but alot of major body work has to be done this week. So he had to pull off the track after 4 laps out of 20 when taking the about the wind going out of your sails....hopefully better luck and less idiots next week.

Gotta get breakfast made, everyone is waking up now..have a great day ya'll, and thanks again for even caring about it. Hope everyone is well and the baby okie and the baby squirrel are fine:)
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I really don't know since I am just learning about bees but I would think it would take a while. It was really dark and tasted a little like molasses. They say thats cuz they got their pollen and nectar from trees and other flowers in the woods. I love molasses so it was really good to me.
My arm is swollen more today than last night. I had no idea a little honey bee could do this much damage!

SE all the racing news sounds exciting and a little scary too.

Going to a birthday party now. Hope everyone has a good Sunday and gets rested up for work tomorrow.
algo that's a beautiful bagyghan

SE sorry about the idiot in travis's race

thanks everyone for the sympathy about my babies.I'm not sure how long the bator was at 112 . I checked it and then went to the grocery store. I was gone for an hour. and when I saw it I immediately took the cover off. I put some mutt eggs in so if they do well and the others don't then I'll know it was the spike.

My DH put up my little greenhouse today. But he says its not warm enough to put my flats in it yet cause it has no heat,and I guess we could still get a frost. But I did get to plant my peas today.
And I went to my sister in law's baby shower. She's having a girl and she's not a girly girl so she hates pink and has no idea what to do with a girl.So everyone who attended wore pink and she had to wear a pink t-shirt that said "the princess is pregnant". And I bought her a pink feather boa. All the presents were wrapped in pink and all the baby clothes were pink. It was hilarious. Looked like a pepto bismall plant blew up in there.
And I went to my sister in law's baby shower. She's having a girl and she's not a girly girl so she hates pink and has no idea what to do with a girl.So everyone who attended wore pink and she had to wear a pink t-shirt that said "the princess is pregnant". And I bought her a pink feather boa. All the presents were wrapped in pink and all the baby clothes were pink. It was hilarious. Looked like a pepto bismall plant blew up in there.

Thats funny
That is a cute story, she will never forget that, how sweet of her friends!!! My daughter is not a pink person either, must have been my fault for making her wear it so much when she was little, lol! A mom can't help that I dont think!! Have a great day ya'll!!! I see that Skand is back so you should have plenty of chat and laughs today!!
Algo, you are having an allergic reaction to the B sting, soak your arm in Epson Salts and warm water. Make a poultice with a paste made of Epson Salts and place over the sting site. You may have to go to the doctor on this and get a prescription to counteract the bee venom. I was stung be a bee as a child and had to do the soak thing for several hours a day for a couple of days.

Depending on what flowers/blossoms are available for the bees to draw pollen from will determine what color and flavor the honey will be. If you have alot of clover around your property, then you get clover honey, if you have lavendar flowers you will get a purple honey, and so on. There was probably a stand of Sassafras trees near where the hive was originally located which would account for the dark color and molasses taste in your honey.
This is our local channel. Someone played a prank on them April 1st. Check this out. Listen to the names.
I can't believe they didn't catch this. The "good" names are at the end.
It's a little "dirty" but I'm sure no one here will mind. After all our "kilt" jokes and such.

It's still freezing here.
I'm starting to really get depressed.
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Glad your sting is better Purple. There are so many bees in my yard every day that I really think someone nearby has a hive and these bees just come here in a group for lunch to my yard..sooooo many of them, honey bees and loads of big fat bumble bees. I have tons of things in my yard that bees and birds love though, mostly planted with birds in mind, coral berries, mulberries, butterfly the little flying things visit here often, it's a wonder I havent been stung. I used to think I was out in the yard sooooo much that I wa sort of a part of the smellery! I had a set of mockingbirds two or three years ago that badly engineered their nest and the babies..two of them. fell out three times that summer. My dog (only had the red dachshund then) would find the baby, tell me, we would get the ladder, she would lick it, I would pick it up and put it back..birds kept right on feeding it and raising it, they finally got big and flew away..who ever heard of birds tolerating human and dog scent like that? I figured it ws becasue we were in the yard handling everything everyday and they were used to our smells....could be why I dont get stung by all these visiting bees too!!

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