Crooked toe


12 Years
May 6, 2011
One of my Easter eggers was born with a crooked toe. The one outer toe on each foot is turned 90 degrees inward. It walks fine and it doesn't seem to bother the chicken. Its about a month old now. Should I try to fix it somehow or just let it go?
It's all up to you. A chicken can have a long healthy life without you fixing them, or you can tape them. It's up to you. as long as it can walk and isnt showing any signs of pain.
If its just a backyard baby then its fine to let it go.
Good LucK!
Hi, unfortunately there's nothing you can do. Sometimes chicks are born with it (rare) others it happens when in broody box, flooring too dirty or slippy flooring. One of my chicks had this problem when my broody box was overcrowded she's 5 months old now and walks okay. I also have a cockeral that I bought with bent outer toes and mates and walks around like any other chicken. Normally this has to be treated the moment it happens and when the chick is less than a week old to sort properly while the bones are still soft. Your EE will live a perfectly normal life. So don't worry and enjoy your EE's :)
Okay thanks. Just making sure it isn't harmful. Yea it's just a backyard pet lol so it doesn't need to be perfect.

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