Crop not clearing. Not sure what to do. Please help!

Thank you all so much for your help!

I’ve watched some videos on the crop drain and I’m too scared to go down that path.

I’m also in Australia and we don’t have Walmart or TSC. I have cocciprol at home but never used it before and not sure how much she weighs. Scale won’t weigh her. I’ve gone to the chemist to find miconazole or niastatin but they all come with other things added to them. I’m not sure where else to get medication asi don’t have a bird vet around and normal vet unfortunately doesn’t want to help because they don’t know about birds.

I’m so stuck I just want her to get better and I want to give her the best chance.
What's her breed? Maybe that will help gauge her weight.
I’m also in Australia and we don’t have Walmart or TSC. I have cocciprol at home but never used it before and not sure how much she weighs. Scale won’t weigh her. I’ve gone to the chemist to find miconazole or niastatin but they all come with other things added to them. I’m not sure where else to get medication asi don’t have a bird vet around and normal vet unfortunately doesn’t want to help because they don’t know about birds.
Cocciprol goes in the drinking water, you don't have to weigh her. Instructions are on your tub or bottle.

Yep. There are other ingredients in the Monistat (Miconazole) or Clotrimazole creams. I've used them numerous times and haven't had issues. If she's not well and you don't have an option of vet care, the risk may be worth it, but that's up to you - you can always try ordering Nystatin online, not sure if it's available to you that way.
Or you can definitely search other alternative methods of treating Sour Crop, I only know what's worked for me so that's what I recommend.
I’ve looked at some other chemists and found some clotrimazole 1% cream hopefully they have it in stock.

Do I need to dilute the cream, how much should I give her, how many times and day and for how long?

I’m sorry for all these questions. And thank you so much for all of your advice and help 😊
I found miconazole 2% drops. It says external use only. Is this still okay to use and if so how many drops should I give ?
I’ve found a bird vet a few hours away that will see her so I will take her tomorrow. Thank you all for your help you have no idea how much I appreciate it!
Hello I have a pullet about 6-7weeks old who has a crop that won’t clear and need some help.

It won’t clear overnight feels like a balloon and makes gurgling sounds when she drinks water.
She is eating and drinking okay (more water than food) but is getting more lethargic because she can’t digest anything. She poops but not as often as the others. She also “throws up” brown liquid.
When massaged the contents of her crop go into her throat instead of down.
I’ve tried fasting her and giving her apple cider vinegar in water. I feel like it’s sour crop but I have nothing to treat her with and don’t have anywhere that sells medication for it. I would love to take her to the vet but we don’t have a bird vet around (normal vet just said to put her down because they think she won’t last) and I really would love her to get better.

Please help!

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