
We have loads of crows and ravens, so far they haven't bothered the chickens or ducks, however they can be aggressive and the chickens all run and hide if one flies overhead. I'm not sure if they would attack, but I certainly don't trust them either. I'm curious to hear others' experiences.
When I was a kid, I saw a crow swooping at mumma duck and her ducklings, once. Not sure if he was teasing or actually going for it, but a fuss was made. The unfortunate animal picked a time when we were practicing with pellet guns, so we never found out what his real intentions were.
Some chicken keepers say that crows might give your poultry parasites, they have never done so with my chickens. But my chickens also have soo many places to dust bathe :pAnd they always take at least 2 or 3 good dust baths a week.

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