Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results


and I'm morally opposed to book burning.

Personal deletion? That's a swipe away (and a confirming click). Kindle Unlimited for the win!
I'm against mass burning but if it's a personal book I spent my own money on that heavily offended my senses I don't mind specially if I know there millions of copies in the world. Don't make a fuse about it for online clout though.

If it digital I do better with audio, funky eyesight and all that. Kindle does have it's moments but I know end of the day I'm more likely to pack a mini library than remember my tablet :lol:
My understanding is that when DDT is used for light spraying of certain indoor areas it is INCREDIBLY effective at preventing malaria mosquitos from infecting people and extremely safe for the environment.

It was, I am told, the heavy spraying of large swaths of land that caused the problems.
as Paracelsus said: It's all a matter of dosage.
However, the West has largely put it on the index.
I can't change it, but Health Ranger Mike Adam's results( (if he should share them) will be here, and the results Aunt Angus gets back as well).

I just checked, nothing yet, but as you would imagine he's been extremely busy milking the train wreck situation at this time :rolleyes:

It seems like his lab is only capable of testing for glyphosate and heavy metals anyway, unless I'm missing something?
I can't prove a negative in a universe of possibilities. I instead invite you to demonstrate the existence of this heretofore unknown magical substance. Incredible claims demand incredible proof, not merely the blathering of the ignorant, no matter how loudly the crowd brays.
Well said! Bravo! Bravo! Bray!

While I don't agree with everything Arthur C. Clarke has said, I do like this quote:

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”​

Keeping our scientific minds open and emotions aside, we must acknowledge the possibility that some compound may exist that effectively and drastically reduces egg laying in chickens. Let's not go too far down a rabbit hole or build a new theology around it, but at least open-mindedly admit it's possible. I'll even give is a catchy name: NoEggCompound. I have no way to prove NoEggCompound exists and I don't know that I'll spend millions of dollars looking for it, but NoEggCompound does not have to be "magical". It could just be undiscovered/undisclosed technology.
Having said that, I have no idea how to test for some feed additive that may or may not exist. Anyone know of a good feed test lab that will test for something unknown? I didn't think so. Let's give this one some more thought.
Speaking of seemingly magical, undisclosed technology, consider this.
but most (if not all) the yolks would probably break while you were cracking the eggs (dose dependent), similar to when you have low threonine levels in your feed.
I need to look into this. Last year, I had lots of broken yolks when I cracked the eggs. What is a good level, do you know?
What nice about crappy book series is you could always bonfire it afterwards.
I bought a book so poorly written/edited that I couldn't in good conscience give it Goodwill, because someone else might spend money on it. I threw it in the woodstove.
Yeah, one problem with a Kindle is you better not throw it against the wall if you have a really crappy book.
I need to look into this. Last year, I had lots of broken yolks when I cracked the eggs. What is a good level, do you know?

I bought a book so poorly written/edited that I couldn't in good conscience give it Goodwill, because someone else might spend money on it. I threw it in the woodstove.

Yeah, one problem with a Kindle is you better not throw it against the wall if you have a really crappy book.
Threonine levels aren't disclosed on feed labels typically. Anything 0.5 or higher is fine - basically a little less than the 0.6 Lys recommend as layer minimum. You aren't hurt by going higher, particularly if your hens are frequent layers of XL eggs.

Good Thre sources? all your meat meals (of course). Brewers yeast, all your legume/oil seed meals (of course) because they are all concentrated proteins [except alfalfa - its not bad, but not nearly as high as the others) - then flax seed, your beans (fava, field peas/cow peas) lentil, hemp. split peas. By the time you get to chickpeas and peanuts, you are right there with the alfalfa meal - above target, but not lots above target. h, Fenugreek seed is 0.8 (Chickpeas, Peanuts, Alfalfa meal all around 0.75) - another reason its a good choice in sprouting trays.

My favorite cheap chicken protein source has about 4x that target, so any corn/soy based chicken feed mix with even 20% (high quality) soy meal or 25% (lower quality) soy meal should be at or over the target minimum. Its one of the reasons it doesn't get printed on feed bags - with the typical mix, its hard to miss.
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