daisey my hen's leg


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
i posted around monday bout george our rooster trying to get a hold of daisey and making her hurt her foot. well its been this long and she is still limping. standing around holding it up. she can use it some. i try holding her and toting her around sitting her in the grass so she can peck. how much longer will she be like this do yall reckon? should i bring her in the house?
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It just depends on how bad shes hurt. Did you post a pic last time that we could look at, and do you know if its broken?
its not swollen that i can tell, or cut or anything like that. that i can tell. here is a pic of how she stands. but now when she wants to come across the yard far across she did yesterday. she can use the leg some.
ok, daisey wants to sit in my lap she gets up there her self of course me sitting on the ground. but she wants to be mean to me growling and pecking not really pecking but biteing me. WHY?????? hurts and hurts my feelings too. im like whdo you want in my lap if you are going to peck me. probably cause she is ill about her leg reckon???

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