Day 18 close, egg carton or lay flat any sugg.

I worry about my birds having a hard time getting out with the egg carton, so we use pipe cleaners. Just bend them in to a circle and set the egg in it with the large end turned slightly up. Works great for us. Keeps the eggs from rolling into eachother and doesnt leave a tripping hazard for the birds after they hatch.
We use the Styrofoam because of the humidity issue. We cut holes in the bottom of the cups so the air goes around the eggs. We also cut the lids off. When we are done hatching, we throw the whole lot away.

I would try both ways and see how you like them. I do not think it really matters. The egg cartoon way keeps the peeps from rolling the other eggs around, but hey who knows this may be a good thing !!
I use the paper cartons. I spray them with a incubator disinfectant, and then microwave them for about a min. to kill any germs. Then I mist the carton and put it into the incubator. ive never had any problems with the carton taking up the humidity.
I couldn't make up my mind either... I figured a Momma hen leaves eggs on their sides (not standing up like in a carton), BUT, that since she's sitting on them, they probably have some "wiggle room" but do NOT roll all over the place conking into each other (like they do if left on their sides in the 'bator!).

Anyway, I came up with a "middle of the road" approach; I cut some holes in a piece of styrofoam that was about 1/2 inch thick, and set the eggs into it to hatch. Were on their sides, and could wobble a bit, but couldn't roll very far or crack into each other.

Worked out well for me:
A word of caution on the styrofoam.... Chicks and chickens seem to think that styrofoam is nectar from the gods, so you need to watch and make sure that your new hatchlings aren't eating it!

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