December hatch along

I should start getting eggs real soon from my two pullets I’m guessing they were hatched mid September so I’m thinking eggs should start mid January early February but it could be later than that with short days
I should start getting eggs real soon from my two pullets I’m guessing they were hatched mid September so I’m thinking eggs should start mid January early February but it could be later than that with short days
My July pullets started laying dec 16. Single egg then nothing for a week! Since dec 22 I've been getting steady 2 eggs per day. Still Waiting for the other 4 to start. Next batch pullets (silkies and EEs) will be 6 mos late January/mid February.
I started getting baby eggs from some July pullets, it's exciting since I have plans for them!

Had a major brain fart the other day. I have this Hybrid cockerel that turned out really nice and has his dad's attitude, he carries the blue egg gene from the Legbar. He's been alone/next to pullets because his hormones were too much for young birds, so he's been waiting. Tried him with the younger group to see and he didn't do that great, his inexperience showed.

Then in a duh moment, I realized he would make Olive Eggers with Marans, and I have 2 Blue marans hens, the oldest girls from the original Greenfire birds, who were currently shacked up with the Black Coppers since their son is ring leader of the blue pen. I need a grandson ruling that roost before I put them back in. So now they're with the Hybrid, setting him straight.

I'll need to hatch like crazy from the purple coop so that I can cycle that rooster out and add in a new Olive Egger cockerel and some pullets. In looking at the sprouting wing feathers on the recent batch of chicks from that coop, I've reached the fun part of "Lord only knows what color they're going to be"... a couple of them are built as big/stout as I was hoping for and it's looking pretty girl heavy. Yay!

Now that my Black Coppers are mature/1 year old, I'm pretty disappointed in them. I didn't get that big of a group to choose from, only 4 pullets and 2 roosters, one of which had to go to the freezer for a bad attitude, built too thin, comb sprigs, etc. 2 of the hens lay ok color, 1 lays light, 1 lays... purple? There is an additional coating of pigment that isn't Marans dark brown. They're out of Greenfire's older line, Little Peddler and Cottage Hill. Thinking I'll hatch a TON from those 2 good laying hens, then order up from Greenfire's new egg exhibition line and see about improving them. I'll keep all pullets and take them to a better outside male. I like the width the rooster has and his attitude is great. I wish he didn't have that white coming in right on his top tail feather though. I have several generations to go with them, from the looks of it. My Birchens are built better and have way better egg color. Need to get the BCMs caught up!
Oh no! My Genesis 1588 seems to be on the fritz! It's changing it's own set temp, yesterday I found it at 86.5!! I've been checking it constantly and have 2 other thermometers for checking that it's reading right.

What on earth would cause it to change it's set temperature but still heat fine? It's about 7 years old now, not sure what their use life is.

Even in these conditions though I have 3 chicks out and 4 more pipped, today is hatch day so they're not delayed.

This morning it changed itself to 96.5. It seems to be progressively lowering itself and I have to check it every 2 hours or so. Thankfully I'm off today! Will need to train my husband on it for tomorrow, I gotta work.

I have the cheap/finicky/annoying Farm Innovator plugged in just in case I need to swap totally, right in the middle of the hatch. Just needs to last 2 more days, tops.

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