Do Owls attack Pheasants?

Franzen Farms

9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Wilmington, IL
For the past two weeks I have a white barn owl that will land on my pen as the sun is setting every evening and just sit there checking everything out. So far he has done no damage I was just wondering if they attack pheasants or just looking for mice around the pen? He is a very large and beautiful bird, I'm trying to get a good picture of him but I just can't get close enough before he takes off.
Well it was about noon and and the puppies were in playing to a hawk swooped and catch one.
We live in Okla and the hawks are big here.
I highly doubt a hawk took a dog puppy since hawks barley go after rabbits so how could a hawk kill a puppy that's bigger? They don't even go after adult hens for the most part if there big hens.. Something isn't right with your story unless it was a eagle
I highly doubt a hawk took a dog puppy since hawks barley go after rabbits so how could a hawk kill a puppy that's bigger?  They don't even go after adult hens for the most part if there big hens..  Something isn't right with your story unless it was a eagle
yes your right here. Hawks wouldnt be able to take a puppy. The only birds bold enough to hunt large mammalian carnivores are large eagles. Such as goldens. As for the barn owl i doubt he would attack any adult pheasants. He is probably their for mice which will be attracted to feed. He will however have no objections to taking a chick or grower

These bad boys hang around my coop, They are Bald Eagles as far as I know they have yet to try to swoop down on my girls I have left a few trees around the coop to deter the birds of pray from swooping into my out side run, there for the girls enjoy a good time outside .These bad boys have in the past taken dogs, cats, smaller goats an such from there owners!
At this time of year, I have Redtail Hawks constantly flying over head checking out my coop. Since my girls are in a covered run, the hawks take care of the rodents and other vermin. They are a breeding pair, and have grown used to watching me do my chores. Their nest is located behind the husband's automotive shop, and when they are raising their young, I see them carrying all kinds of critters. The biggest thing I've seen them bring is a squirrel. They usually have rats and an occasional snake.

I do my job and they do theirs.

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