Does anybody get FLACK from Family and Friends for having Chickens?

I've come to realize, most people are realy chicken, no in fact, most people are poultry stupid.
I just say "you don't know what you are missing" and walk off leaving them to wonder what they ARE missing.

It's really do not understand until you have lived it.
I was the same way with hearing people talk about being in chat rooms.
God knows (and all my friends) I love to chat!

"If you can't educate them, IGNORE them"
Goodness why would any one get flack for having chickens? I can't imagine. Everyone i tell about my chickens and coop seem very interested and excited for me.

If i run into anyone that isn't i'm going to use the "You don't know what your missing" statement. That will get them thinking!!!
Not family (I'm a rancher's daughter so they actually made fun of my corporate job!), but people at work did - that is until I took a week long vacation in Colorado funded completely from my little poultry enterprise. THAT shut them up.
I have a good story for this thread: An conventional old dairy farmer who stops by this farm regularly (he keeps a few heifers in our pasture) has always joked at my free-range chickens and made fun of all the work I put into them. WELL!! The other day I caught him sitting in the middle of them, on an upturned bucket, trying to get them to eat corn out of his hand and they were all gathered around him happily snacking.
As soon as he saw me, he jumped up and threw the bucket into his pickup and tried to act like he wasn't doing anything other than just looking at his cows. He looked really embarrassed and I just laughed and myself. One more convert...
Well, I started out wanting chickens for the poo for my roses. Now I'm addicted. And yes, all my friends think I'm nuts. But in a good way.

And I'm spending WAY too much time on BYC. My husband calls it "surfing chicken porn."

Besides, who wants to be like everyone else anyways?
I usually get support when it comes to my birds. I have people asking soon as they find out for eggs. I did get looks and big no's from my parents when I first started asking for chickens. But they got into it eventually as well. My sister was not happy when she moved back to Texas to find the birds and goats had become a part of the now farm. But, she has ducks now and is into poultry.
My family is thrilled I've gotten back into chickens. I'm lucky enough to be in a farm based community, so nobody is all that surprised by the thought of chickens.
I know just what you go through! It's never made me cry before, but I do feel pity for those who really don't get the whole farm life thing.
My mom for one just sighs when I tell her about my animals. *lol* She doesn't get it at ALL why I love this life so much. I think many people are just blind folded. They don't know (or want to know) how badly chickens/ dairy cows, etc. get treated, just so people can have milk/eggs/beef, whatever. We started with goats to clear our pasture, then got into dairy goats for milk and now chickens!
Yeah, I get the weird looks when I talk about our animals here, but I ignore it. It makes the people who come up to me and are truly interested in it even better!

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