Does this foot require any other treatment?

Looks like your using Veterycin and decolorized iodine? are you soaking in Epsom salt water too? That's the only thing I would add. Doesn't look too bad but any open area on the foot can be a concern when we know where they are walking.
thank you Miss Lydia. I feel so bad that I slacked off this last few weeks on feet checks. She is my absolute favorite duck.

how much epsom salt for a couple of gallons of water? should I do the other treatment once or twice a day? and I have booties for her; should I bother since it isn't too bad?
Booties may keep it cleaner , I'll leave that up to you. I use half cup of Epsom salt to 1 gal of warm water. After soaks and feet are dry I'd spray then once they are ready to go in for the night use the iodine. That way they are covered most of the 24 hrs. It's inevitable there are going to be some foot trouble along the way we just have to stay on top of it as best we can. Your fav should heal up nicely. :)

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