My Treatments for Bumblefoot are not working. Are there any alternatives?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2023
Little Egypt
My duck, Honky, has bumblefoot on the soles of both feet. Her left foot has a significant scab on it, but her right has only a small dot.

Since August 23rd, I have been soaking her feet twenty minutes at a time, twice daily, in half a gallon of water with one cup of epsom salt, and a few squirts of betadine. Then, I dry her foot, and spray blu-kote on her infections.

So far, it looks like the treatment hasn't been showing results. I am worried about doing surgery, because I have nobody available to help, and I am unsure how to wrap a bandage on a duck's foot. I don't want to hurt the webbing of her feet.

I can't go to a vet. According to, the nearest avian vet lives more than 200 miles away from me. This limits me to over-the-counter medications.

What should I do to heal her foot at this point?

Her left foot before treatment on August 22nd.


Today, after her morning soak.

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I'm afraid that therapy isn't going to cut it, no pun intended.
You need to order a set of scalpels to remove the scab and get to the infection.
Don't worry about a bandage because they are hard to apply and never stay on.
Get some Green Goo and some Coli-Stop pills for pigeons.
Grind one pill with spoons and mix it with enough Goo for one large application to the wound.
Typically it's one and done, provided you get the majority of the infection removed.
Don't listen to anyone telling to use a scalpel, you risk pushing the infection deeper. The solution is RAW HONEY. It might work with normal honey but I only use raw (unpasteurized) honey. Put some on a bit of cotton, put the cotton on the scab, it will stick, then bandage. Change everyday. There should be enough honey so that the scab is really well covered with it.

You should also know that the scab doesn't mean the infection is active. From your pics it doesn't look red. Is it very warm to the touch or same as the other foot? If it's like the other foot then the infection is not active. Still do the honey bandages to be sure and it will help for the scab to fall. Continue afterwards so that no dirt get in there. DON'T TRY TO DO SURGERY TO GET RID OF THE MASS. You only need to stop the infection, assuming it is active - the mass will go away on its own after a while.
I used Neomicin ointment after doing the epsom salt and spraying with antiseptic. I also recommend that your duck wears shoes, due it helps a lot. I know it can be a circus for them to keep them on, but is worth the struggle. Other factors affecting bumblefoot are the lack of exercise, how dirty their area is and an unbalanced diet. Last time my duck struggled with bumblefoot, the treatment lasted around a month, it was in both feet, but she made it, she's a strong duck. I hope yours gets better!
if you do use Tricide neo and if it doesn't work, it might be because it has been too long without it. It only works in the early stages of bumblefoot
Try the post Found Bumblefoot Cute, she said the green Epsom salt poultice for horses worked for her duck where I believe even antibiotics didn't.

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