Dog eating chicken poop

All of mine bust the front door down when the "Yuck" or "Bitter Apple" bottles are brought into the room.

Since none like either, I'll give that a go and see if it curtails the Chicky Box Cruchie craze.
I did run into a bit of a problem. All three of my dogs got sick last week (vomiting and diarrhea). They all eat different food, so that wasn't the problem, there isn't really anything to get into, except of course the compost pile I had started with my chicken manure. It had been sitting for a few weeks, and they cleaned it out. It's been over a week, and one is still vomiting a little, and another still has runny stool (It's been a REAL fun week!)

I'm thinking the fresh stuff won't do anything, unless there's a parasite issue, but if your composting your poo make sure the dogs can't get to it.
I know its gross, my dogs do it too.
The mom of my pups, after delivering her litter always cleaned up after them in that way.
As soon as they are born and for the first couple of weeks after she use to lick their stomachs to stimulate their bowels and then clean up after them.
I was shocked, never occured to me thats how they do it.
As they got older and were house trainable I use to have to push her away so I could clean up after them and teach them where to go.
The chicken poop, another story. I can't fathom why they want to eat it, but they do.
Just make sure you don't let them lick your face.
I don't know if it is bad for them necessarily, but I had a bad problem with my dog getting sick after being around the chickens.

They probably just went a little overboard and upset their tummies. That happens every time a dog visits livestock for the first time. They see all this wonderful manure as a feast and dig in. After while it isn't as big of deal so they don't eat as much and their system adjusts to it so they don't get sick.​
We had a German shepherd who would eat his own feces. Tried putting hot sauce on it. He must have been Cajun, because it never even slowed him down. Yuck and double yuck!
Thanks guys
Just read through this thread.

But now I know why my Jack Russel has been so fasinated when we move the Maran chickie-pigs out side for the day. She either trails behind or licks up anything that has fallen to the floor
under before I get back to sweep. And she can always be found at the spot from where we move the cages in the yard. I have found her eating their food too.
Anyone have that problem?
Do you think it's because its what the poo is mostly??
This reading was most enlightening... Thank you
According to my German Shepherd, the chickens poop just for HER culinary delight.

The worst part is the GAS she gets from it.....GAG A MAGGOT!!:eek:
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I have read that it can cause some health problems in domestic animals includung seizures. Try doing a google search on chicken poo and dogs.

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