Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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I feel sorry for you. You shouldn't have to go through this pain because of some stupid (can't say this) can't keep their stupid dog on their stupid property. *Some commentary removed by staff*I can't believe that happened. Hope you get better and compensated or something like that.

*..... please do not gloat or suggest torturous ways of killing for pleasure or indeed, post in such a way that your predator control can be construed as pleasure killing instead of simply taking care of a problem​
So sorry for your loss. I love my chickens and would be just sick if something like this happened.
Have you ever considered getting a LGD to help protect your chickens? Not that you should have to, but dogs do get loose sometimes and a good LGD would take care of any predator...including another dog.
wire hair terrier killed my blue rock yesterday. not mad, but having to kill it is a bidness decision, not a decision made out of revenge or anger. not my dog either, just one wandered up a month or so ago. too much invested to let "a more advanced or useful" animal kill my "just chickens". probably fifteen dog skeletons on my property now, more aint gonna matter.
That must be very difficult for you. A dog cemetary in your yard, how sad.

Maybe you should try a more secure means of protecting your chickens? It must be very traumatic for them to have been attacked by 15 dogs!
im not sad in the least! never lost the first minutes sleep either. bout fifteen dogs in eight years there, and not just over chickens. ive had my rabbits, cats, kittens, and yes a few times, chickens attacked. i wont have one in the road growling toward my kids either, and i dealt with that one too. my animals are secure, but for some reason, some people think its ok to not spay or nueter, then drop their unwanted animals out on us. they came to me and got it, i didnt go looking for them.
I hear that. The neighbours next to me feed wild cockatoos pieces of bread, cake etc. Attracts a thousand and one rodents each night, not to mention stray chickens before I find them and dunk them back over the fence. Drives me insane.
oh yeah, and thats not counting the six ive kept, fed , and loved. The good dogs that have been playmates and companions to my children. have you ever seen a "pack mentality" set in on large, malnourished, abandoned dogs? familiar with what they are capable of?
The Song of the typical irresponsible dog owner; I'm too lazy to train and secure my dog, so it is your fault if he gets loose and behaves like an untrained cur.
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Train the dog and consider keeping it in a run. Runs are good for chickens, too - but if they range for part of their feed and the dog won't learn, you'll have to pen the dog while the chickens are out.
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