Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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Every situation is different - what is the relationship with your neighbors to begin with, was it a fluke that the dog got into your yard, is the dog a stray?, or in my situation does you neighbor "hoard" dogs and cats with no sense of responsibility for spaying/neutering, health care, feeding regularly, etc. My neighbors dogs come onto my property every day, even though there is a "leash law" and no chaining/tethering dogs law. They bark and growl at me and my kids, but so far keep their distance. I can't use a firearm within the city limits, but have seriously considered a strong pellet gun. These particular neighbors wouldn't even blink an eye to replace a dog, or cat for that matter. This is a very small town where the water department handles animal control. so far I haven't shot at their dogs for growling/barking (they are very small dogs that could easily be kicked out of the way), but would definately shoot them if they killed my chickens. In the meantime, I fenced MY yard and secured the chicken pen and coop to keep them out. Yes, it's ridiculous to have to fence your own yard because other people dont' control their animals.

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I can understand where you are coming from with this, but I believe that you may have never been exposed to a 'bad dog'. I personally was attacked by a dog when I was a young child, and still have scars from it (both emotional and physical). It was a dog that had gotten out 'just this one time', according to the owners.

It turned out that this dog had terrorized the neighborhood animals for months, and everyone thought the same things to themselves as what you just stated. "Aw, it's a dog, just give it a chance." That 'second chance' evolved into that dog trying to end my life just because I was playing in my own front yard, and hadn't learned to fear dogs yet.

Even if I remove my own emotional reaction to my own experience, I am still left with a responsibility towards creatures and people that I have made the decision to have in my life. If I bring an animal into my life, you had better believe that I will protect it when it can't do so itself. Just standing there and saying "gee whiz, it's just a dog, give it a chance" is a violation of my responsibility to my animals.

Now, because of what happened to me, I am extremely uncomfortable with dogs, and when they come at me down the street because an owner took it off it's leash, and thinks everyone in the world wants a large dog jumping on them, I have a panic attack. I don't see them as happy and wonderful animals, but as a threat to myself and to those I protect.

I not only blame that dog's owners for what happened, I blame everyone in the neighborhood who were just as lax about having a vicious dog on the loose. Like others have said, if it's loose and killing things, it's not a pet anymore, it's a predator.
No one is saying to take pleasure in it. In fact, most have said that they are very unhappy about the circumstances that they feel force them into protecting their flock by killing a predating dog. But to many of us, OUR chickens mean as much to us as a predating dog means to someone else, and many of us have small children who are as attached to their chickens as some other small child is attached to his/her dog.
The OP said she was in tears, what more can she say about how bad she felt?

It's nice to romanticize dogs, chickens , bears and what ever but the fact is given the right set of circumstances they will eat you. Why don't some folks get it? As a former letter carrier I've seen people side with the dog that just bit me. Close the door right in my face as I stood there in shock and never offer to call for help.

It would be a great thing if everyone thought like us but they don't! Face the fact, that some people are mean and selfish and couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. I've got to much invested in my chickens and they are not replaceable. Heck I drove six hours just for a Delaware rooster. Nick loves me and I can pick him up and he's just to nice to mess around with.

I take measures so my chickens don't poop on your porch. You take measures so I don't have to shoot your dog. Cuz I love dogs but hate stupid irresponsible owners.

Sorry but I must have my part of the conversation.

Such is life,

Should the dog's owner say that to you, look them square in the eyes and tell them "It was just a dog".


When I lived in Illinois in "country" I can't tell you how many dogs I had to shoot. I was nice the first few times and took the dogs home, but when the problem continued over and over I just followed the three S's.

We had the same thing happen to us a week ago, 4 dogs jumped a 5ft. fence with barbed wire on top and slaughtered 10 of my chickens. They were not hungry, it was a big game to them. It was and is still a nightmare to us, we caught the dogs in the act. The dogs were killing, dismantling each chicken, some had big holes in them, some missing heads, legs, bodies split open, and a lot of them were still alive and we as their owners had to put them got of their misery. The chicken yard looked like a bomb had gone off and the dogs were just jumping around like it was a fun game to them. We live way out in the country and people think they can allow their dogs to just roam, I thank God that my husband was home and the dogs will not be back. I was no total shock by what I saw, it was like a horror movie, my sweet innocent chickens were tortured and laid there in pain with body parts missing. Each chicken I have had since birth and they were all gentle and loving with unique personilities. My granddaughter who is 4 has also raised them and it was horrible having to tell her what happened. We have lost 16 chickens to dogs whom the owners could care less about. We have a secure coop, run and an enclosed chicken yard, but now we have to go to more expense to now put up electric fencing. It is not the cost or the trouble that bothers me, it is the tape that plays over and over of what we witnessed these dogs doing to our chickens that will forever affect me. I love all my pets, whether chickens, cats, etc. and I believe chickens are just as important as any other animal.
That one shocked me, because I've spent so much time making sure my puppy knows and is friendly with all the mail carriers, UPS drivers, etc that come by. Why on earth would somebody let their dog be fearful or hostile to someone that comes to the house every day? And how could they just stand by and let it hurt someone?

And you're right about sentimentalizing animals - there's just certain risks in owning them, and people have to accept that. If my dog runs out in the street, he may get hit. If he attacks livestock, he may get shot. If he attacks a human, I'll be up a major creek looking for a paddle, so I try to teach him to be gentle, soft-mouthed, etc - he can't judge what is right, so I have to judge for him. It's a big responsibility, but it's mine...
Hugs to the OP. So sorry for your loss. I see people saying " neighbours dogs" like most of the time you know the dogs owners. Several years ago we had two
black labs always on our 4 acres harassing our chickens or killing them. I finally caught them ( in the chicken run! ! ) and called animal control. My husband took care of them the next day. The animal control officer came 3 days later!!! I told him they weren't a problem anymore. You have to protect what's yours. I still don't know who owned them. Nor any of the other strays on our property. Protect your own. Be it your dog or chickens or anything

Had a dog who got in and killed 3 almost 4.. Not much but it was our first 7 chickens, special when they're the first. Even though we didn't kill him, we took him to a no kill shelter. 7 years that dog was my bud... The painter at our house didn't close the door correctly (the door that seperates frontyard from back) but we weren't mad at him, he was almost in tears though.
Oh if I shot Grizzly I would be a mess.
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