Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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So, just out of curiosity, did you ask them for the money before you take them to small claims court? How are they acting now? Did they get a new dog?
That one shocked me, because I've spent so much time making sure my puppy knows and is friendly with all the mail carriers, UPS drivers, etc that come by. Why on earth would somebody let their dog be fearful or hostile to someone that comes to the house every day? And how could they just stand by and let it hurt someone?

And you're right about sentimentalizing animals - there's just certain risks in owning them, and people have to accept that. If my dog runs out in the street, he may get hit. If he attacks livestock, he may get shot. If he attacks a human, I'll be up a major creek looking for a paddle, so I try to teach him to be gentle, soft-mouthed, etc - he can't judge what is right, so I have to judge for him. It's a big responsibility, but it's mine...

Some folks just don't care about you or their animals. Nothing makes me madder than to see a dog tied up in the yard. You dear are the exception I'm sorry to say. Folks just need to admit that they don't have the time nor will to train and treat a dog or animal right. Course some folks get married and then..... Well you get the idea. Anyhow some folks don't just don't care about anyone other than them and theirs.
My son loves and adores these chickens, he cried most of the night for 2 nights because he was scared the "bad dog" was gonna come get him. My son is only 2. He was upset about his chickens being gone.
My son loves and adores these chickens, he cried most of the night for 2 nights because he was scared the "bad dog" was gonna come get him. My son is only 2. He was upset about his chickens being gone.

If those chickens were another dog...people it seems would be much more understanding.

A pet is a pet. Doesn't matter whether it's a dog, a cat or a chicken. Definition of a pet: animal kept at home: an animal kept for companionship, interest, or amusement

eta: I am truly sorry for your loss. I also feel for the family that lost the dog. Everyone lost in this case and it would not have been necessary had the owner just properly contained their dog as per the law in every state.
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i just have to chime in here with my 2 cents. I lost my best friend in March this year. Frack. To a darn dog. I had proof, i had the body, i had the feathers in the mouth of the dog in the dog owners garage.
I just wish i would have been home 5 minutes earlier. when the dog not only killed my Frack, but tortured her needlessly for 1/2 a mile down the street shaking her, strangling her, mauling her before he finally killed her. It destroyed me to follow the dogs footprints, the feathers, etc. until it led to her body and the dog. I called animal control, the sheriff, etc.

The owner denied it. the dog lives, the hen is dead, I am devistated still. ITS NOT FAIR. i am an animal lover totally. i do hunt. Only if I can put it in the freezer for food. i will kill the dog. I will. No second thought about it. no regrets.
I am so so sorry. I would be just as heartbroken and feel sick just reading what happened to your friend

to everyone who says not to shoot the dog due to a kid or beloved owner IF there was a beloved owner it wouldn't be killing chickens
2 how else to would you say she solve the problem stand there till the dogs done killing and it goes home? or try to stop the dog and probably end up getting bit herself? shooting the dog was in reality the only way to go about it and besides if she would have gotten bit the owners would be paying 50x more than just 15$ a chicken she did em a favor in my opinon not that im happy a dog or chicken is dead it was shoot it to stop it or beat it with a shovel and only cause it pain to make it quit OP I would have prolly done the same thing only thing I would have done was make one warning shot to see if the dog would run if not the dog would have been shot but I am so sorry to hear of your loss
I live just north of you in Atlanta and was recently bitten by a pitt bull and subsequently had to have the series of rabies shots and will have permanent scar on my arm and over 10,000 in medical bills. If I had been able I would have shot that dog. And I was trying to help it out of the road!
Pitts are aggressive when not trained and cared for- it would have easily turned on you had it felt that you were going to get between it and it's prey. That dog would have easily mauled you or killed your young son. I'd do more than ask for money. I'd look into your local codes regarding loose dogs and also Pitt Bulls- they're illegal here in Dekalb county. That's an irresponsible dog owner, and they should be punished.
OP, do you have an update for us on this situation? Were you reimbursed for your losses?
First, I'm very sorry for your experience.

Second, I have both bulldogs and chickens. Both the dogs and chickens are confined to their areas, and my main pen protected by electric wire.................................. it would be better if my tractor pens were also. So far, the bulldogs marking around the place seem to be keeping varmits off the areas I keep chickens in; and the dogs are always willing to take care of threats if they happen. All animals should be confined to their owner's property, in my opinion, behind fences designed to keep them in and others out. I live on a very limited finacial budget, fences are expensive, but as important as the ability to provide feed for my animals when I consider owning them.
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