

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
The neighbor's dog just got one of my chickens and I'm wondering what I should do for her? I don't see any wounds or blood, just a bunch of feathers and some bald spots but I guess I should look for a wound?

There is one small thing that looks like maybe a tooth or just where a feather was pulled.

Anyway, she hid under a bush and was laying and panting.

I crawled under and got her. I'm concerned she may be in shock cause she's panting and just laying around. I put her in the run and she went under the coop and laid down. I also think maybe she hurt a leg? She was holding it up some for short times and a little unsteady walking.

I have a dog cage but a broody is currently in it. I'm thinking of evicting the broody and moving the wounded one in? I can always break the broody later and this seems more important.

Anyway, I have some poultry nutridrench, would that help her?

She doesn't really seem to have any wounds but I don't want her to go into shock and die :(

And it was just an accident, the dog jumped out their window after a squirrel and found our chickens in the yard I guess. And dog's can't resist, he's never been around chickens and clearly has high prey drive. But he was good and dead stopped when he heard Gator in the back. I had let him out thinking it was a coyote or something but he was good and came inside when my mom realized it was a dog. The dog dead stopped and never made it to the backyard, smart dog. He wasn't going to mess with Gator! Although Gator is a dummy and ran the wrong way!!! Anyway, they came right over and got him and were so apologetic and upset when they saw all the feathers in the yard!! I don't blame them but I hope my chicken is okay!!!


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I am so stupid! I left the gate open (hoping the other girls would come home) and now she's wandered off and I lost her again! She was laying under the coop not moving when i left her so where would she have gone!? I found the other 6. I feel like an idiot :hit
The 'tooth' appears to be a broken feather to me. As for the feather loss, it may cause some bullying in the coop. As long as you keep an eye on it, you shouldn't have to 'evict' your broody hen. If the other chickens begin to bully her, you will have to take her out of the coop briefly. The bullying could make her injuries worse.. As for her leg, it doesn't sound too severe, my chickens will balence on one leg for prolonged periods of time just for the heck of it. She may be panting and sitting from dehydration, she probably ran a ton trying to get away from that dog. I'll be looking forward to an update!
Thanks for the advice, it makes sense and makes me feel better!

I am paranoid and want to limit her movement so I already evicted the broody :lol:

It's good to know it might not be too serious though and she might perk up if i leave her alone.

I did just go to Tractor Supply though to get some more NutriDrench because the one we have is in a shed outside and I wasn't sure if it was safe? It says room temp and was brown, idk, I'm paranoid lol

Anyway, took the opportunity to stock up and got NutriDrench, Pick No More, Blu Kote, and VetRX.

Can I use any of those on her?

And I was thinking of putting peroxide or neosporin on the spot?
You can use NutriDrench, Blu Kote, or neosporin.

I don't reccomend the pick no more or Vet RX because they are for different purposes. You said you removed her? Pick no more is for protection against the other birds, therefore unnecessary. I think VetRX is for respiratory difficulties, which I don't see in your case.

Peroxide can be used as a last resort for signs of infection, but I don't see it to be necessary otherwise as long as you have the resources that you do.(NutriDrench, Blue Kote, and Neosporin)
Thanks for all your help!

And yeah, I won't use the other two on her, I just figured now was a good time to stock a first aid kit aha :)

I used cloth (we were out of paper towels) to clean it with hot soapy water then put peroxide and Neosporin on her. She wasn't too happy but was okay.

I didn't get to give her the nutridrench because she wouldn't open her beak and because I didn't do everything at once (I was gone for 2 hours after the incident between Tractor Supply and Wendy's then I had to go back out amd get paper towels to make the cage less slippery) and didn't want to harass and stress her more, I left her.

I put it a few drops in the water but it made it brown and I wasn't sure if she would drink it so I just dumped it and replaced it. Would she drink brown water?

And do you think the Nutridrench is necessary? I thought it might perk her up and give her an extra boost to heal but don't want to stress her unnecessarily. I am going to a festival tomorrow and will be gone all day so now isn't really a good time for her to get hurt :(

Will she be fine if I DON'T give it to her? I don't want to be worried all day.

I guess I'll see how she is in the morning. So far she was on the floor not using the roost

I did find another somewhat wound but upon different lighting it didn't look quite as bad


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agree probably a broken feather, she should be kept quiet let her settle a bit could be shock, if you have the nutridench wait till morning see if she needs it as long as she has food and water
agree probably a broken feather, she should be kept quiet let her settle a bit could be shock, if you have the nutridench wait till morning see if she needs it as long as she has food and water

Thanks! Taking all the pictures and catching her to put in the run then the crate etc., like moving and touching her so much, probably didn't help and was making her more tired maybe? :/ so for now I've left her alone and hope she's a little more perky in the morning

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