Doing a Necropsy STARTING NOW (Smudge, Cornish X) Edit: Got histopathology results

I would tell them you performed your own necropsy and would like to find out more about what you found.
You suspect that LL or Marek's is the cause of the lesions on the liver, but need help with filling out the form so you can get the right testing.
Just talk with them like you do with us :)
Okay, perfect. Thank you so much! I'll call them in the morning and update you on what I end up doing, thank you so much!
If your state lab system is similar to what we have here in NC, they are all somewhat "connected" meaning they communicate with one another. There's usually a "main lab" but the others are "branches".
I agree with Carol to give them a call. They should be able to tell you what info to fill out, including which tests you need and how to ship.
When I sent a bird in they also give you a shipping label so you know it’ll get to the correct place.
Weeg tell them...
My chicken died and I would like to know why.
Keep it simple because the person you talk to is not going to be the person doing the testing. I would like to send you my bird for a necropsy. Where should I overnight the body?
Aright, we have to head out to town in a few minuets, so I'll grab her and everything of shipping and call them when I get into range. Then I'll box her up after I grab a Styrofoam cooler, and drop her at the post office on the way home. I should have an update my this afternoon. Thanks again for everybody's help, I really appreciate it.
Aright, we have to head out to town in a few minuets, so I'll grab her and everything of shipping and call them when I get into range. Then I'll box her up after I grab a Styrofoam cooler, and drop her at the post office on the way home. I should have an update my this afternoon. Thanks again for everybody's help, I really appreciate it.
How many other chickens do you have right now?
When was the last time you brought a new bird home?
How many other chickens do you have right now?
When was the last time you brought a new bird home?
I have a flock of 7 bantams, and a flock of 6 standard chickens including Doodle. I also have 10 ducks. The last birds I brought home were from TSC for a lone chick I hatched. Before that, I purchased hatching eggs from a BYC seller who had occular Mareks in his flock, and didn’t tell me when he found out. I found out by finding a thread that he posted on here. That, could be were I got this from.
I have a flock of 7 bantams, and a flock of 6 standard chickens including Doodle. I also have 10 ducks. The last birds I brought home were from TSC for a lone chick I hatched. Before that, I purchased hatching eggs from a BYC seller who had occular Mareks in his flock, and didn’t tell me when he found out. I found out by finding a thread that he posted on here. That, could be were I got this from.
Wait I’m confused. I didn’t think Mareks could be spread in an egg if no contact with an infected chicken happens. Can a hatching egg bring it into a flock?

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