Doing a Necropsy STARTING NOW (Smudge, Cornish X) Edit: Got histopathology results

Good that you finally got the results back.
To me it reads they lean toward this being LL, but possible MDV.
I agree with closing the flock - at least no birds going out. Any new birds you bring it, just know that they will be exposed.
@azygous has LL in her flock and it's not a complete death sentence. I'm sure she can give you some tips on managing the disease. Those with Marek's in their flocks also have learned to manage the disease through culling and offering supportive care when needed.
You will face some challenges moving forward, but I'm sure you are up to meeting those head on.
Thats what I read as well, they were thinking it was LL over MDV.
I read that if you cull all the birds with the disease, then major deep clean your coop and all housing, theres a chance you can get rid of it. But that means that I would have to either test all my birds, or cull them all.
When you say selective culling, do you mean what I stated above, or culling when you see symptoms? I think thats the way I would prefer to go.
I'm ready to face them head on, I'm just so glad I finally know what happened. The results are undesirable, but its really nice to know what to expect going forward.
Thank you so much for the help!
I appreciate everyones help and support so much. I'll get a biosecurity plan in place, and inform anyone that I was in contact with recently as to what the results say. Luckily that was only one person that had a flock.
Again, thank you all! You have been so so helpful. I'll keep you all updated.
Definitely! This is step number one. No more birds in, no more birds out.
Additional question? How do I spend time with friends of mine who have the disease without spreading it? Designate one pare of shoes to the coop, never wear them anywhere else. Change clothes before visiting, shower? If they want to come here, Change clothes, shower, change shoes wash hands after reentering their property? Or is that still to dangerous? What about going to the feed store? Same idea?
Lastly, is there anyway to test birds that are alive? A friend of mine who wanted to have a breeding flock spent quite a bit of time with me before the instant, and came to my property a few days before Smudge started showing symptoms. I feel like I read you can do a blood test somewhere, but not sure how to do that etc. Is it likely that she caught it from my flock already since I wasn't practicing strict biosecurity at that time?
I'd buy boot covers and keep them in your home and your car in case you or someone needs them, and do as you said, keep a set of coop shoes for your home. Don't let friends with chickens walk around your property without giving them shoe covers or telling them to bring extra shoes. Be diligent about hand washing. I'd read up on biosecurity and be as careful as you can and disclose fully to all visitors the situation. I'm so sorry for your loss and this sad diagnosis, but it isn't your fault. You've done so much more for her and your flock than most folks are willing to do.
I'd buy boot covers and keep them in your home and your car in case you or someone needs them, and do as you said, keep a set of coop shoes for your home. Don't let friends with chickens walk around your property without giving them shoe covers or telling them to bring extra shoes. Be diligent about hand washing. I'd read up on biosecurity and be as careful as you can and disclose fully to all visitors the situation. I'm so sorry for your loss and this sad diagnosis, but it isn't your fault. You've done so much more for her and your flock than most folks are willing to do.
Thank you so much, everyones support means the world to me. I was prepared for this diagnosis, but its still rough.
I'll get some boot covers for sure. I did read an article on biosecurity after the event by "The Chicken Chick" I heard she was a good source. I'll do additional research as well. Thanks again everyone, I'll keep you updated on my plan going forward.
There's many different ways to approach this. Some treat symptoms as they arise to see if a bird improves. Others cull when symptoms appear.
I think over time you will find the management practice that best fits your goals. No one can say definite one way or another which you should do.
Got it, I'll be the kind of person to see if a bird will improve for sure, I love them to much. 💗 I'm glad here is a chance they will improve if caught early. Any ideas as to what supplies I should have on had for that?
When ordering boot covers, should I get the ones that go all the way up the boot, or just the ones that cover the bottom?
Tall covers-
I'd say short would be sufficient, but I always err on the side of caution and go overboard with things like this. I didn't look at the links, but if pricing is similar, and you're okay with the tall ones, I'd get the tall ones.

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