Are you using the up load a file next to post a reply? Did you ever have your ducks on any kind of supplement when they were tiny ducklings? you maybe seeing a niacin deficiency. Pekin especially are prone to one because they grow super fast. And when we us chick starter it doesn't have the amount of niacin a growing duckling needs for strong legs.
I've read that Khaki Campbells should have a ratio of 5-6 hens per drake. I assume it would be similar for other breeds (except Muscovies) as well.
I dunno. I currently keep Cayugas and Welsh Harlequins. I had 13 hens and 2 drakes. The drakes fought constantly and abused a couple "favored" hens. The more aggressive drake (a Cayuga/Runner) killed a hen and that was it. He lost his head and I will never keep more than one around ever again.
I've tried it a couple times with different breeds (Magpie, Welsh Harlequin, Runners, mixed breeds) to no avail. The exception seems to be call ducks. My boys will battle each other a bit, but they don't abuse the hens like my standard ducks.
Everyone's flock is different, and I'm sure many have success keeping more than one drake. Alas, I am not one of them.
I dunno. I currently keep Cayugas and Welsh Harlequins. I had 13 hens and 2 drakes. The drakes fought constantly and abused a couple "favored" hens. The more aggressive drake (a Cayuga/Runner) killed a hen and that was it. He lost his head and I will never keep more than one around ever again.
I've tried it a couple times with different breeds (Magpie, Welsh Harlequin, Runners, mixed breeds) to no avail. The exception seems to be call ducks. My boys will battle each other a bit, but they don't abuse the hens like my standard ducks.
Everyone's flock is different, and I'm sure many have success keeping more than one drake. Alas, I am not one of them.
I'm sorry it doesn't work out well for you. I personally haven't had any problems with it so far.......
Are you using the up load a file next to post a reply? Did you ever have your ducks on any kind of supplement when they were tiny ducklings? you maybe seeing a niacin deficiency. Pekin especially are prone to one because they grow super fast. And when we us chick starter it doesn't have the amount of niacin a growing duckling needs for strong legs.

Are you using the up load a file next to post a reply? Did you ever have your ducks on any kind of supplement when they were tiny ducklings? you maybe seeing a niacin deficiency. Pekin especially are prone to one because they grow super fast. And when we us chick starter it doesn't have the amount of niacin a growing duckling needs for strong legs.
I tried uploading a file on this reply not sure if it worked but no never used chick starter or gave any suppliments. He leg is straight with no sweeling for fever to it.. he does however has really small feet compared to my other Pekin. When I got them I was recommended the meat bird crumbles because that's what the store was feeding them. After i ran out I switched to an all flock feed. It had lower a protein %
I have read others used meat bird crumbles an all flock is excellent feed. But Pekins are such fast growers some just need more. I’d try adding some b complex to his diet for a couple weeks just to see if you notice any difference. Liquid b complex is like liquid gold to our ducklings that have leg problems,weakness, shaky legs, lameness. So def worth trying. You can pick it up at TSC in the cattle dept. it will say injectable but we give it orally over a tasty treat. And I have never heard of having 10 hens per drake but if you have the room the more the merrier. But 4 -5 up is usually sufficient for most drakes. Forgot to ask you check foot for bumble right?
This has been an interesting thread for me. A have a flock of Welshies with one drake and originally 5 hens (2 have since died). I hatched 4 more this last April. These ducklings are all girls, and for a while I was disappointed because I was thinking a 1 to 7 ratio was too skewed, and my boy might be wanting to have some bro-time with another drake. But reading the above advice (especially honanbm's Post #13) , I'm seeing now that everything might have turned out for the best.

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