Duck eggs hatching early. Need advice!


6 Years
Jun 14, 2013
LaFargeville NY
My black cochin has been on 4 runner duck eggs for 23 days. Today while checking on her I noticed 2 had pipped. I was shocked. Not only is it early bit one has blood around the hole. What should I do? I automatically went in the house and fired up the bator but I don't know if I should interfere or not. She's worked so hard for these babies we'll both be heart broken if none hatch properly.
They'll be okay. They can hatch early if they're kept over 99.5 degrees. I've had duck eggs pip before lockdown (day 25) before when I've incubated. If they're pipping they're ready and they're gonna hatch. The hen will take care of it for you :)
Thank you so much. I have a tendency of over thinking the situation when I should just let nature take its course. What about the blood though?
I candled the egg and the pip isn't in the air cell. I have one guinea hen in my flock that refuses to stay in the pen. She occasionally lays an egg in the nest. Could she have pecked the egg creating the hole that I assumed was a pip or do you think the duckling is just positioned incorrectly?
when a chick pecks the wrong end there could be blood. sounds like the guinea might have gotten to it. if it is opened the egg may become open season, some times momma hens will eat their own eggs too. do you have an incubator you can use?
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Unfortunately the egg didn't make it. By this morning it was oozing and stinky. Very disappointing since I could feel it pecking and moving when I brought it in. The other 3 are still under "mom" and seem to be doing good. One has pipped externally and I can hear pecking and chirping from all. When should I start seeing some real action? I've heard duck eggs take a bit longer.
I would not worry about it too much and just let what ever happens happen. I the momma hen raising them or are you going to take over when they hatch?

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