
Aug 24, 2018
New Jersey
One of my ducks was killed by a dog today (I have 2). Sadly it was my favourite duck who was friendly and calm whilst sitting on your lap. I got another duck today (8 week Khaki) so the other one wouldn’t be so lonely. Both of them are very afraid of me. They’re both around the same age. Is there any chance they become friendlier as they get older like hens do? If not do you guys have any tips as to how to socialize them?
Very sorry for your loss. I hope you have taken care of the dog and put your ducks in a secure area. Predators that kill will return. To help get them friendlier get some dried mealworms or thawed peas and sit out with them start by tossing some out to them soon they will be coming close to see if you have any snacks for them. Another thing mine like is to go worm hunting just be careful with the shovel because they usually like to get into the hole while your digging.
Yes; they will get more attached to you. Maybe not lap-sitting.

But when you do a daily routine, giving them snacks like mealworms, throwing a bit on the ground (if they do not know the snack yet, you can first put it on their food), go down on your knees, making yourself small, and just keep that hand hanging for whomever might take a munch of those mealworms in your hand. Patience is key.
Once they took that hurdle to take a snack from your hand it goes fast.

They start to beg and act cute.
You can gently introduce them to being touched; stroke them, all the while holding the wanted snacks.
They learn that you touching them is no threath.
After a while you can daily grab/take them for a few seconds, and reward them with snacks while holding them. They may not eat out of your hand the first time when holding them. So just hold them for a few seconds; if they don't eat from your hand; let them go and give them snacks anyway.

If you reach the stage that they eat out of your hand when you hold them; they probably also see you as your 'safe-point to go' when scared. But they unfortunately probably never will be lap-sitters. That is more easier with young ones.
But you could; in the stage when they see you as 'safe-to-go-to-spot-when-scared' maybe push it further to get a lawnchair that sits on the ground/or sit on the ground; and lure them to your lap. Never tried it. Maybe that works.

This whole thing can take months. Slowly earning trust. And a daily effort. I think it is very important; especially the holding part. Since it makes them less scared when you have to pick them up to check an injury or going to the vet with them or transporting them etc.

Good luck. Long story short; Yes. They can be waaaay less affraid of you and probably will.

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