East RIver - South Dakota

Magpie, who was this comment meant for?

Cancel that question... I finally figured it out
And I guess I just learned why we have the nifty little quote feature. I will make use of it in the future!
My ducks (they think they are mallards) are about 4-5 weeks old and I can't tell if they are girls or boys. Are there any suggestions?
If the ducks are mallards or rowan, you will be able to tell as they mature. The males get a ring around their neck & their heads will start appearing to have different feather coloration. The hens will go to a brown tone..but the males will be quite colorful in their plumage. I can't remember how old mine where when they got their "adult" plumage but as soon as they loose their duckling fuzz you will know.
I have 16 3 month old silkies and need to share some with someone else. We will sell them at our cost of $6 a piece. They are really coming into their own and are such a joy to watch. Just let me know. We are at the Renner/Crooks exit.

What colors are your silkies? Do you have any left? I am interested in a white silkie that is why I ask.
UPDATE: Candled my Narragansett turkey eggs this morning. Out of 14 eggs, only 6 don't appear to be developing. When I removed them and "tested" my theory, I found those 6 weren't showing any signs that they had been fertilized. At least they never even developed a blood spot.
One of the eggs appeared really far along in its development. So don't know if that means the "Spider" appearance of the others is a STALL on their development, or if this one egg was just developing for some reason at a different pace. Anyone have experience incubating turkey eggs who may have also experience candling them?
My King Pigeons are to arrive tomorrow! Plus a couple ReHab'd blues that can't be returned to the wild. They are in route currently! Can't wait to see them in their new aviary!

They are rescue birds that I have been waiting to adopt. Will be fun having the cooing in my back yard! Makes me wonder how many feral pigeons will end up being called to the yard due to them. After all we have an old grain elevator not far from our house (about 1/2 a block) with some pigeons. The aviary is fully enclosed to safeguard these guys. Good thing too, as I noticed I had a red-tailed hawk circling our houses today. Hopefully he/she won't be willing to try to take on the full grown ducks or large hens. May have to put some sort of anti-Hawk wiring across the hen's yard otherwise.
We are finally making major progress on our coop. We were expecting to be done a long time ago, but we got sidelined by a string of nasty automotive issues. Now we are just putting the finishing touches on it, and trying to decide what color paint we are going to use. I am thinking a nice, traditional barn red would look good. I was open to something a little wilder (like Mrs. Doolittle's) but my (fuddy-duddy) husband is nervous about that. He has this fear that we are going to put all this money and effort into our flock, fall in love with them, and then a neighbor will complain and we will lose them. I don't see it happening, but he is nervous. Heck, he was nervous when I put up a clothes line! (we are not in an area with a homeowners association or anything...he just worries too much!) On the upside, that excessive worrying made him want to build the coop to be really attractive. I will post pics soon!
I've had Silkie chicks shipped to me recently, from show quality stock. I have 1 or 2 white chicks from paint lines I might be able to part with.. PM me if interested.

These silkies look Awesome! The whites are so amazing to look at! I have two blacks and one that I'm not sure what its plumage pattern is called. Its got a "mane" of gold feathers around its neck. Pretty, but I can't find any description in the Silkies to explain that plumage. I'm wondering if its not a cross of some kind.
My new pigeons. Mostly Kings at this point. Later I hope to add some Pheasant Pigeons and maybe some Fantails and Rollers. But these guys are already making a splash in the family's love of being in my backyard. They are so calming to hear coo-ing. Kings are about the size of bantam chickens so they are as one friend described "pigeons on steroids". Which makes them even more stunning, in my opinion.


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