Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

My black and white chick looked a lot like yours. Also the largest of all mine. He stared getting some brown/red patches at about that age and his comb, like yours, was pretty red. At about 12 weeks not there's no doubt he's a boy.
Yeah, this one is tricky. He/she is a lavender ameraucana so the feathers are difficult to sex too, they are all wispy and the tail is short and super wispy. The legs are a bit thicker but not as thick as the OE cockerels legs. I really hope its a pullet. All the other Lavender eggs hatched black and this is the last batch of chicks I'm raising this year. I was being patient and didn't plan on even trying to sex this one until at least 10 weeks, but with the fight happening...I'm feeling impatient and worried it is a cockerel.

Originally Posted by LadyCluck77

This one is tricky, the coloring won't give much away. I'm looking very closely at the comb and though it does appear a bit wide, it's very pale other than the blood scab.
I'm going to guess pullet, but keep an eye on the comb in the coming two weeks.
I also looked closely at the comb and only saw one row not the 3 rows that most cockerels have. But then some boys have one-row combs, so you can't guess on that alone. The comb is wide and the color is light and it has a triangle shape which I see more often in girls. Can you take a side pic of the chick standing? Sometimes, you can tell by the posture. For now, I am leaning toward girl.
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Hello everyone! I'm new on here. Been reading the threads and trying to sex my EE's with out asking. But I can't wait and not for sure. Can you guys help me please? My little loves are about 3 months old.
#1 thinking too but no idea




All them

Of the four chicks, I don't see any boys. The only one that may be a boy is the first one. Of the 3 pictures you posted, the first pic made it look like a boy with darker patches of feathers, but then in the other 2 pics the feather colors are not so dark and more girlish. Can you take new pics in better light to show true colors and pattern? Maybe we can tell the sex better.
Here are some more pics of them. I'm hoping these are a little better. Thank you guys for your inputs.






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