EE “Ameraucana” Hen or Roo?


8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
I’ve read every post on EE sexing tips and my head is spinning with confusion!

She was hatched on 5/23, so I know at 3 weeks, it’s probably too early to tell but BOO is the family’s very favorite chick and she acts extremely different than the rest of the girls… She “struts” a lot, barely peeps and I’ve been hearing some weird sounds come out of “her”, like a weird warble. She’s my only EE, so maybe that’s why she seems so different than the other girls. I got a mix of 5 different chicks (Leghorn, Barred Rock, Golden Comet, Cuckoo Maran and what was marketed as “Ameraucana”). She tends to watch over the flock, is the biggest, friendliest and the least shy. Her feet are pretty big. I can see three tiny rows on her pea comb… much too early to turn red, but I’m worried because of the way she acts and because of the plumage of chest feathers. She doesn’t socialize like the other girls… she is more curious and more aware of her surroundings. She was the smallest when we got them, and now she is the biggest! “She” is very suspicious… Is my BOO a ROO? We’re not allowed to have Roos here so it would be heartbreak.

Also, I’m curious about the single and triple combs… I think I read that triple combs will yield green or blue eggs and single will yield brown? Is this true? Of course there will be NO eggs if she turns out to be a roo!

Did anyone’s baby EE look like BOO and if so, can you post pics of what they look like now?

Thanks so much for any replies or guesses. I’ll continue to update and post pics of Boo as (s)he gets older!





It's a bit early - need to be 5-6 weeks old to tell for sure. But I'd say boy at this point based on the comb (3 rows visible), feather coloring and thick legs.
I can't swear to hen/roo since I'm also new to this, but she looks just like my EE girl Dina did at that age. Dina is now 6 weeks, larger than all my others (and I have some pretty large breeds like light brahmas and buff orpingtons) and has always behaved just like you described. Although I have noticed she's starting to be a little more cautious around me - might be the DS who is always in tow and a little rambunctious.

Oops, forgot you wanted pics - Here's Dina at ~3, 4, and 7 weeks. One thing I did notice, her comb isn't/wasn't as wide as your bird's.

edited to add images
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oh goodness... we're split down the middle... Thanks for the replies and especially the pictures of your beauties! I'm so hoping girl but I'm preparing for a boy because my gut tells me she's a He. I hope I am wrong!

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