egg carton vs no egg carton?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 12, 2008
I just set my eggs thursday, so I have a while to go, but I was wondering what is up with putting eggs in a carton to hatch? Is this better than just laying them on the bottom?
People have had various results using the carton method. I hatched one egg yesterday in the carton, and I have to admit it seemed like it was easier and faster in the carton. Only about an hour from pip to peep. The only disadvantage I can see so far is that you can't tell if the eggs are wiggling or not because they're held firmly in the carton. And on the rare occasion you get a bottom pipper, you might not see it in time.
Some people like to use egg cartons for hatching because it stops the eggs from rolling around during hatching cuz the chicks will roll an roll an hit the other eggs during hatching so some people use the egg carton to keep the eggs in place

but either way is fine, for me right now my eggs are on there sides hatching maybe next time i'll try the egg carton. but either way is fine for hatching

Good Luck On Your Eggs
Thanks for the quick responses! I think I will just lay them in there. I have 36 eggs going...not much room to roll around LOL!

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