Egg Peritonitis Help



Apr 15, 2020
Frazier Park California
Hey friends... well I think I’ve determined my 7 month old Brahama has egg peritonitis. Last week I found her in the morning with yolk all over her and a soft shell hanging from her feathers. I assumed she laid a soft egg and pecked it...later that week she struggled to lay an egg but did! No yolk on that egg but a little blood. She had been going downhill somewhat since. Not loving much, not eating much and I’m giving her water/electrolytes with a syringe. She does still like to free range for a bit but then stops and closes eyes. I’ve brought her inside and she just stands there with eyes closed and hunched over. I’m heartbroken! I don’t know what to do to help her. Is there any way she can survive this? Could it be something else? She is able to poop but it’s watery and yellowish but doesn’t really look like yolk? 😭 Any help appreciated. I don’t know what to do or if I should put her out of her misery? She seems content but I don’t how long to let this go... I truly can’t take her to a vet.. there are none close by 😭
I wish you had kept to the original thread on this hen. If you had, and understand you broke no rules or did anything bad, we original responders would have been notified immediately when you came back to report these recent complications. Valuable time has been lost.

So, I went back and refreshed myself with the previous two threads on this particular pullet. My hunch is she could still have another egg stuck inside her. Did you give her the calcium supplement? For how long? Is she still on it now?

Next, is she dripping fluids from her vent? If you take your fingers and lay them flat against her vent, does she push against them as if she needs to take an urgent poop?
It's just been a week. Perhaps the infection hasn't gone all the way up into the top of the oviduct yet. Do you have an antibiotic on hand?
I actually do have some antibiotics. My neighbor gave me some. I have Xytetracycline and Duramycin-10. I have no clue what either do or how to give them to her. I will say that she did eat some meal worms today and drank more water than yesterday. Also, I put her in the run to sleep in coop with her flock (I thought maybe that normalness would be good for her) and I threw the girls some pasta and she ate it. Could this be a good sign? She is asleep now and I hate to wake her to give antibiotics.. is it too late to start in the morning?
I wish you had kept to the original thread on this hen. If you had, and understand you broke no rules or did anything bad, we original responders would have been notified immediately when you came back to report these recent complications. Valuable time has been lost.

So, I went back and refreshed myself with the previous two threads on this particular pullet. My hunch is she could still have another egg stuck inside her. Did you give her the calcium supplement? For how long? Is she still on it now?

Next, is she dripping fluids from her vent? If you take your fingers and lay them flat against her vent, does she push against them as if she needs to take an urgent poop?
Sorry about not responding to original thread, I’m still a bit confused on how this all works. I think you may be right about the egg! She is not necessarily dripping from vent but her poo is runny. She did have a solid smaller poo just a bit ago because she is eating a bit now and drank some water this afternoon. I hope that’s a good sign! I cannot get her to take calcium but I crushed a calcium pill in her water and fed her some throughout the day. Yes! About the vent! It seems like her vent is being pushed by her most of the day. If I touch it she pushes back against me for sure! She is pooping though throughout the day.. runny with a little solid. I just put her to bed. Is it ok if she sleeps or do I need to wake her for some emergency interventions? Thank you so much for all the help!
So, she hasn't been on calcium since when?

You don't "get her to take the calcium tablet." You hold her firmly with one arm, and with the hand on that arm, you snake it around to her wattles. Pull down on her wattles and that causes her to open her beak. Be ready with you other hand to stuff the whole calcium tablet into her beak. No half measures, no crushing the pill and trying to trick her by mixing it in food. She needs the whole tablet once each day until further notice. Calcium is what will save her life.

She needs to be on an oral antibiotic NOW. Do you have any on hand?

Is her vent swelling and protruding at all?

Is there any rank odor coming from the fluids from her vent?
So, she hasn't been on calcium since when?

You don't "get her to take the calcium tablet." You hold her firmly with one arm, and with the hand on that arm, you snake it around to her wattles. Pull down on her wattles and that causes her to open her beak. Be ready with you other hand to stuff the whole calcium tablet into her beak. No half measures, no crushing the pill and trying to trick her by mixing it in food. She needs the whole tablet once each day until further notice. Calcium is what will save her life.

She needs to be on an oral antibiotic NOW. Do you have any on hand?

Is her vent swelling and protruding at all?

Is there any rank odor coming from the fluids from her vent?

She won’t choke on the huge pill?! I have the antibiotics I mentioned in the other tread... I think those are respiratory ones though. Should I start those? As far as the calcium should I go wake her and do it now?

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