candled again. five EE eggs still looking good, the one unsure looks actually like a double yolker. or a quitter, idk. two distinct masses and viens. always wanted to hatch 'twins' so i'll leave it at least for now :)

fuzzies in less than two weeks!
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Candled today - out of the 17 there were 3 that were clear and 6 iffy (left them) and the other 8 looked great. Hoping some of the iffy eggs join the others with clear veining and moving chick.
I set 31 eggs on the 11th so they should be due around March 3rd. All the eggs i set are from my flock...

Olive Egger/Wyandotte mix - hens are jet black
Wyandotte/Wyandotte - hens are: buff, blue, black, splash hens)

my roo is a Buff x BLR Wyandotte, that looks buff laced so I am SUPER excited to see what his wyandotte babies look like!

I may add some muscovy eggs if a friend brings some over but right now all my girls aren't laying because they're young or mad at me for locking them in the coop, lol.
I candled last night. Of 49 eggs, only had about 3 that were definitely non-developers or blood rings. I had a couple that were questionable, but I left them until I candle again at day 18. These are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Lavender Orpingtons. Also about to fill my other incubator with more eggs from the same birds. Happy hatching...most of us are at about the halfway point now! Can't wait to see everyone's chicks!
Day 7: had to toss an egg due to large crack down its side...no idea how that happened down to 39 eggs :) wish me luck *not candling again in till day 18*
Candled last night and out of the 34 I set 28 are developing nicely. The LG is getting it done! This is my second hatch and on my first last month 15 out of 30 hatched. I am hoping for a better rate this time but from what I hear from the guy I bought my chickens from is that the fertility drops really low in winter in these. ( that would explain the 12 clears I threw out last time) I am hoping to get my rate to at least 60 percent, as long as I am improving my rate I will be happy. (I added in a computer fan and so far so good!) I will be candling again on day 14. HAPPY HATCHING ALL!

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